Today was a big day (the first of many) in Baby Brody's life. Our families came from out of town (not too far) & spent the morning /afternoon with us. Today was Baby Brody's blessing day. For my non-member friends, it is like a christening except there is no water involved ;). We are so grateful & thankful that they made the effort to be here & a part of his special day. We know 9 am church is early, especially when traveling 2 (plus)hours. Thank you for coming! John & other men holding the Priesthood participated. My Dad, John's brother Ruben & some friends from church were in the circle. It is where they take the infant (Brody) in their arms & give him a name & a blessing which he will be known by on the church records. Brody was not named after anyone if particular. My brother Brandon had a best friend named Brody. John has always liked the name, so Brody it was! His middle name Shore is my Moms maiden name & we thought is sounded good with Brody. Brody Shore. There are several grand kids in the family that have Shore as their middle name. We figured, with four boys, we should have at least one boy with the family name. This sweet, calm, mellow baby of ours cried during the entire blessing. Out of all of our boys, he was the only one to cry during his blessing. I swear our good friend Scott must have been pinching him (I am totally teasing). The blessing was beautiful despite the microphone issue & Brody crying. After church, everyone

came back to our house for lunch. It was a nice day. My nephews Malakai & Kannon are staying with us for a few days. We are excited to have them here & are looking forward to the next few days. I will have 6 boys in the house. It is going to be an exciting few days. Stay tuned!

Despite Brody crying a little, I could still hear John really well during the blessing. It was such a sweet blessing. Glad to hear that you could spend it with some of your family. :)
I really wish we were closer for things like this. I love his little outfit. Glad the family was able to come. Good luck with all those boys. I'm sure they'll have a great time. Amber will enjoy the peace I'm sure.
what a cute little boy! and how great it is to have the church! i am with katie, i wish we were closer for things like this...
Brody is defeinitely smiling just like John! What a gorgeous baby! You've got the recipe down pat!
It was a beautiful blessing, and he is so adorable!
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