This Boy loves Hot Wheel cars. This Boy still takes a two hour nap each day(thank heaven). This boy loves to go to nursery every Sunday. This Boy will sit in our front window & yell HI to all of the neighbors as they come & go. This Boy is looking forward to preschool with Miss Jenn in September. This Boy is already an athlete, loves soccer, baseball, & basketball. This Boy can jam on his scooter. This Boy can drop in on his scooter at the skate park (can you say ER visit?).This Boy will read books with anyone who is willing, he loves to read. This Boy calls his Grandma GRANDPA, cracks us up(he can say Grandma). This Boy likes to undo his car seat straps while I'm driving :(. This Boy gives great kisses & hugs. This Boy likes to say his prayers. This Boy will tell us every night during Happy & Sad that Na-Na & Ti -Ti make him happy(his two best buds, Nathan & Timothy). This Boy is MINE & I LOVE him.
It must be the third child thing...Katie's third, Rachel, is EVERYWHERE!! But, she is very entertaining! We love her. Your boys are beautiful!!
What a cutie! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Garrett - We have never met in person but I still have your birth announcement on my desk and think about you everyday. Your older brothers captured my heart before that and of course now there's Brody. You Krupp boys are so handsome! Maybe we will meet one day! Until then....Hugs, Free
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