We are enjoying the days of summer. Last night for Family Home Evening we met the Jones Family over @ the Parker's to swim (thanks Lisa) & to eat pizza. Between the two families, we have a total of 8 boys. It was lots of fun & good times were had. The boys had a great time diving, trying to surf on the boogie boards, being tossed & flipped in the air by John, & many noodle wars. Oh, the life with boys! It was fun to visit with my good friend Stephanie. She is such a good soul. I really enjoy her friendship.
Tanner & Carter are loving soccer camp this week. They are coming home totally exhausted. Three hours of running around can really wear a boy out. Maybe I need to enroll Garrett to join in on the fun :). In the mean time, Garrett continues to enjoy the mud & trucks in the backyard. Endless hours of fun for this boy. I should have taken a picture before bath time. He was covered from head to toe in mud & was so happy :). Garrett had his three year old well check today. He weighs 37 lbs. & is 39 1/2 inches tall. He had to get one shot. He was such a good boy. He didn't even cry. He didn't even flinch either. I think that lollipop made the shot seem not so bad.
I am busy working on layouts for next months baby class. It will be a late night for me. What I really want to do is crawl into bed & read my new book. I think I am the only person on the planet not reading the new Harry Potter book. I am reading Twilight. It came highly recommended off of a few blogs that I like to read. I am 100 pages into it & am really enjoying it.
I am getting excited for our VIP event @ Green Tangerines on Thursday. There is lots to do between now & then. It should be a fun night. I can't wait!
I hope everyone is having a great night!
We had a great time, too! Thanks for your kind words. Made my day!
I love Twilight! It is great, I am getting the second book as soon as I can. You will enjoy it.
Garrett - you remind me of me when I was little. I used to LOVE to make mud pies! Do you make them too? I loved to be outside and watch nature. We would go down to the creek and catch tadpoles and I was fascinated with lizards. Never liked playing with dolls. Guess I was a real tom boy. Have fun in the mud for me! Tee Hee....
I love the pictures. My mom read Twilight and loved it. It's all the talk around here. Let me know how you like it.
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