I love the 4th of July! It is right up there with Christmas for me as far as the holidays go. I love everything about it! I love what Independence means. I love the Red, White, & Blue colors. I love to see the American flag flying everywhere. I love the firework display@ the end of the day. I love the yearly BBQ/pool party @ the Buettners. This was our last party @ the Buettners. They are moving to Boise & it makes us all sad. For as long as I can remember, we have celebrated the 4th with them. I have loved that my boys now look forward to this yearly family get together. We had a great time. Everyone enjoyed the BBQ, swimming, the water balloon toss, the water balloon toss that turned into a water fight, the three legged race (Tanner & John won this year), & of course Pam being tossed in the pool. I wish somebody would have given me a heads up so I could have captured it on film :). Pam & Chuck have always been the "hostess with the mostess". Thanks for the fun memories. We love you both.

what fun! it's great to see pics of the fam...thanks!
I love all the pictures. The 4th is definatley one of my favorite holidays too.
Cute pics, I'll have to send you what I have. Loved the day, too! Always fun to spend time with the fam!
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