It's only fair to talk about Carter now. This is my 2ND son. He has been an easy child from the get go. He was a happy go lucky little guy who has just grown up way too fast. I think we can attribute that to having an older brother who he wants to be like & do everything with. Carter has the sweetest little testimony & shares it often. He is always so thoughtful when he says his prayers. He is so grateful & so concerned about others. He has a very tender heart. He is kind, smart, funny, great @ all sports, loves his friends (especially the girls), a great little artist, & is just one "COOL" kid. When the boys came to the hospital to see Baby Brody for the first time, Carter was first in line to hold him. Once we placed the baby in his arms, you could just see & feel the love he already had for Brody. He did not want to share. He just sat there for a long time, checking out Brody's hands, toes, & giving him kisses on the forehead. It was very sweet & what every Mother hopes for when there is a new baby.
This boy can't wait to go to first grade.
This boy loves to be outside.
This boy tears it up on the basketball court, baseball field, & soccer field.
This boy has the longest eyelashes you have ever seen.
This boy can't wait for soccer camp in two weeks.
This boy loves pink milk (strawberry milk).
This boy loves clothes & will change his clothes several times a day.
This boy loves to ride his bike around the block.
This boy asks several times a day if it is time for Dad to come home from work.
This boy reminds our family to share happy & sads at the dinner table every night.
This boy is
MINE & I LOVE him.
You've inspired me with this idea of spotlighting each of your boys. I think I will do the same. I bet your boys LOVE reading their special page. Very thoughtful. I love it!
Great post. What a handsome boy!
Great post. What a handsome boy!
Hi Carter - You are sooooooooo tall! How did that happen? I used to love seeing your bright smiling face at the Memories Store! I am glad to be able to see you here now. And you are a big brother to two more boys! Amazing. I'm sure you are terrific at it.
Hugs, Free
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