This top picture is of all the goods they scored @ the Dollar Store. I promised them $5.00 each if they would do a quick pick up of the toys @ the end of each day. The $5.00 deal worked like magic. It's days/visits like these that make me really wish we lived closer. Then the cousins would be able to play together more often. We are so glad they were able to visit for a few days. We hope they come back real soon.
A side note: We are in the middle of potty training Garrett. There has been just one accident today. I was even able to drive to Vallejo & back AND stop @ IKEA with out any incidents. It is a happy day for this Mom. We may be on to something. It would be so nice to have just one child in diapers :). Please keep your fingers crossed for us. Have a Happy Wednesday.

Hi Tanner and Carter! I haven't seen your cousins in a long time. It was so nice to be able to see the pictures of all the fun you had together. I bet you miss them.
Hugs, Free
"Aunt of the Year" award for you! You are mighty brave to take them all to the dollar store. I never go anywhere with my herd. I totally feel outnumbered. Looks like a great time.
i miss cousins! it looks like you all had a great time. i'm jealous!
Brave you are. I had Katie's three at Costco the other day...it lasted about five minutes!! They are adorable!
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