Silly Boy! He is so stinkin' cute & happy! He is rolling over from his back to his tummy! I haven't actually witnessed him doing so. It started on Friday night (8-24). He was lying on the family room floor playing while I moved the laundry. When I checked on him, he was on his tummy. I had left him on his back. So, I sat for 15 minutes (with my camera & video camera) waiting for him to roll so I could get it on film. Nothing! He didn't roll. I got up to unload the dishwasher & guess what he did? Yep, he rolled over again. Then on Saturday night, John & I went to a party & Brody rolled over for the babysitter. Tanner tried to get it on video for us so we could see it. No luck. Bless his heart. While I was cleaning off the kitchen table this morning he rolled over again (I missed). Out came the camera. Instead of rolling over, he just smiled at me. So, in my efforts to get some pictures of his new talent... these will have to do!
That's just a smaller version of John having fun with you guys! He is lovin' it!!
What a little stinker! It reminds me of when we'd have car problems when I was growing up. Our car would be stalled etc. -- then my Dad would come check the car and it would turn on just purring like NOTHING ever was wrong! It drove my Mom nuts.
That seems to be how it always goes. Love the pictures. There's something about that smile.
I have the same problem. Heidi NOW rolls over in front of people - and she's 8 months! Before this week she would only do it in her crib. Silly kids. I'm sure you'll catch Brody on film soon. We're hoping we catch ours soon too.
I wonder if maybe he's actually laughing at you a little each time he smiles when you have your camera at the ready. They're so much smarter than we think they are!! He sure is a cutie!!
If that isn't a "if your happy and you know it" face I don't know what is. I just want to squeeze his little cheeks! :) Adorable pics!
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