This is what he's up to at 12 weeks, Brody is:
- wearing 3-6 month clothes( a few 9 month outfits for fun)
- wearing a size 2 diaper
- smiles all the time
- one happy baby
- giggled for John last Sat. (full on belly laugh, so cute!)
- loves to snuggle his blankets right up to face when he sleeps
- drinking 6 oz. of formula @ each feeding
- sleeping on his back with his arms straight back above his head.
- loved by his big brothers all day long
- will be moving into his room to sleep in his crib.
he will share a room with Garrett, wish him luck!
- snores like his Daddy (it is very entertaining @ church)
- getting better about tummy time
- loves to take a bath
- likes to be rocked (in our arms, in his car seat, or in the cradle)
- the hit @ the scrapbook store when we go for a visit :)!
- sleeping about 7-8 hours straight @ night.
I love this little guy!
He's changing soooooooo fast! Really a cute little guy.
What a cute little guy!! It's been nice for me to be able to get a little baby fix with Brody. He's so cuddly. I can't believe that he's already 12 weeks old. It does go by so fast, huh?
I LOVE this picture of him! He looks so cute!!!
Raimi, Brody is so adorable, he looks just like John in this picture. I'll be you are having so much fun with him. We will have to introduce Brody and Jason some day, they are so close in age. They sure do grow up fast! Love you, Faith
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