Our last HURRAH before the school year starts. We started our morning off at the cement slides. Tanner & Carter have been begging to go since they saw the pictures of Garrett @ the park.They ran up & slid down for a solid hour & a half. They loved it & think
it's the best park around. The commonly asked question today was : "When can we go back"? They even tried to get John to take them back tonight when he got home from work. Nice try!!! After the park, we headed off to Borders. I have been dying to pick up the new Stephenie Meyer book. Eclipse is the third in the series. Can't wait to settle in & get started. I've heard it's fabulous. I let each of the boys pick out a new book & they were thrilled. Tanner got a novel called KEEPER (it is a soccer book). Carter got a book about the night before first grade & Garrett got a Sesame Street ABC book. Garrett keeps telling everyone it is his book for school, very cute. After the book store, we picked up lunch & headed home. John had a soccer clinic to attend tonight. He is coaching Carter's team again & needed to take these courses in order to do so. While he was at the clinic we headed out again! We were able to find new school shoes for everyone! That is one of the things I loved about going back to school, the new shoes. Boys are so easy. They just needed a new pair of tennis shoes. Again, Garrett was telling anyone who would listen that these were HIS shoes for school. He is going to be disappointed on Tuesday when we take the boys to school & he stays home. He doesn't start school till the end of the month. I am guessing we are going to have a few tears. All in all, it was a fun day!

P.S. If anyone can give me picture placement tips, I would so appreciate it!!!!
What did Garrett do to his poor little nose?
I'm SO glad that you could go back to the slides! What a little gem, huh?! My boys have been asking a lot, too. We'll have to go back together. I'm glad they had so much fun.
He was jumping off the egde of my sofa! I asked him about 20 times to knock it off. On the 21st jump, he landed on his face & received that lovely rug burn. He haas not jumped off the sofa since :).
I knew you'd have another visit after Tanner and Carter got wind of it! Love to click on their pictures to see the close up view of their darling little faces! Hugs, Free
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