- Carter was on the family room floor talking to Baby Brody. I looked over & he had the Disney Incredibles "FAKE" cell phone out. This "FAKE" cell phone has the "FAKE"camera button too!
What cracked me up was that he had the phone pointed at Brody & said "smile big so I can post this picture on the blog".
- Garrett is potty trained. He loves to wear his big boy underwear. He is even staying dry during nap time. He gets to check out his new preschool tomorrow. We can't wait.
- We received Tanner's STAR (CA state test) test results. He did REALLY well in all areas. We are so proud of him. It was a big deal to him. This was his first time (2ND grade) taking the test.
- Baby Brody is grabbing his feet, pulling them to his chest. He is talking so much. You talk to him & coos right back, we love this age. He is really starting to play with the toys on his little floor gym. He slept last night from 9:15pm to 6 am, AWESOME!!!!!
- Had a conversation with Tanner about holidays. He wanted to know what holidays are always on Sunday. When I mentioned Mother's Day/ Father's Day, he said those are the days for you & Dad. Then I was informed that "the rest of the days of the year are for kids because we are so special to you". This boys mind does not stop thinking! He is loving third grade.
- Soccer practices are in full swing. We can't wait for the games to start.
Enjoy your day!
Oh, that Carter! Such a beautiful smile. Just warms my heart!
very cute!
What a great picture! Such happy boys.
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