Many of you know our little Garrett. For those of you that don't, he is such a busy body & constantly on the move. One thing you need to know about this boy is that he is smart & is such a happy boy. He does everything (okay, most everything) with a smile on his face. He is just happy to be & has a great sense of humor. So last October, we were finally able to get him into speech program through the school district. It was very hard to understand him & he struggled with some of the letter sounds. With the help of some amazing teachers, he has made tremendous progress. I took him to see Miss Lori yesterday for an evaluation. He walked in & as clear as day said "Hi Miss Lori! I have had a fun summer". She asked him what kind of things he had done over the summer & he began to list our outings, Lake Tahoe, the water park, having our cousins visit, etc.... Miss Lori just looked up to me & said " WOW, he has come a long way just over the summer break". So as part of his evaluation yesterday, she would show him pictures of things & he needed to tell her what those things were used for or how HE might use them. She showed him a picture of a pair of shoes & said "Where do you put these"? Garrett looked @ her & said "In the garage". She started to laugh & so did I. She said "Lets try this again. Where else do you put these". Garrett looked @ her & said "on the rack". I was cracking up @ this point. That is exactly where we put our shoes. We have a rack in the garage & that is where you can find our shoes. She finally got him to tell her that you put shoes on your feet -lol!
Garrett will now attend one speech class, once a week. Last year he had speech class 3 times a week. She said, with this new class, he will be ready for kindergarten or may be ready even before that. I am just so proud of him & the progress he has made. John & I just laugh... now we can't get him to be quiet :).
FANTASTIC!!! Yay Garrett!
Jordan has some speech problems too. She also has a lot of extra saliva so sometimes understanding her is really hard. She has been in speech therapy for a while now and making progress. We want to get braces on her teeth but they are advising us not to until she is able to truly enunciate more words.
don't you love the little milestones that remind you that you are doing the right thing for your kids...way to go mom!
Awesome! So funny about where he puts his shoes. You've trained him well. Glad Garrett and T will continue to be together through this speech therapy journey. Hopefully, they will not need it much longer (fingers crossed!)
Kudos to you and your husband for recognizing that your little one needed an extra nudge! Sometimes parents are reluctant to seek help, I always admire those that do. It is after all our job as parents to make our childrens life as wonderful as possible! Thanks for sharing your sweet story.
Very fun words from an adorable boy. Mason was so far behind in his speech he went to speech preschool 3 hours a day for the last 18 months. And in May he tested out of the program and started kindergarten right where he should be. It scares me a little to think what he would be like if we hadn't put him in the program. He's doing great! Glad to hear your little guy is too!
That's super Garrett!!
I know I can understand him so much more too!!!
Yeah to great teachers and growing up.
Wahoo for Garrett. Love his smile and blond hair!
congrats kiddo!!! how do they get so big so fast... i love his and dylan's perspective of the world at this age. it always brings a smile to my face!
i love your quote on your sidebar about laugh lines. :) once on a bus ride with a friend we saw a woman with the most beautiful leathery hands... you could tell she had lived a full life and given a lot of love. thanks for the inspiration.
Raimi, I just found your blog through Berrygirl's blog. It's wonderful to hear of Garrett's amazing progress. My nephew also struggles with speech, and is going into a program soon, so it's encouraging to hear Garrett's story. You are wonderful parents to be pro-active for him!
That's exactly what happened with John! Amazing that our almost silent toddler has turned into a non-stop talking machine! We still have some work ahead of us, but it isn't as overwhelming as I once thought it was. Way to go! Say hello to Miss Lori from John's mom!
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