Can you believe it? The boys went back to school this morning. Today is Tanner's first day of 4th grade & Carter's first day of 2nd grade. They could have not been more excited to start school. They love school & that makes me so happy. They had their new outfits & shoes all laid out last night. We shopped on Friday & they both got to pick out a new outfit & a new pair of shoes. Carter cracks me up! He had his underwear laid out on top of his shorts again. He did this last year & must have remembered that I take pictures & that I blog. When I got up this morning, the underwear had been placed on the inside of the shorts-lol!
Their outfits say a lot about who they are. Tanner loves anything that has to do with sports, hence the shirt with baseballs. His choice for shoes is always a pair of Nike or Vans. They did not have the VANS he wanted in his size so he settled for the Nike's. Carter loves all things sports too. But this year he picked out this shirt & is so him. Ever since he was a little guy, people would ask what he wanted to be when he grew up, he would always reply "A ROCK STAR". You should have seen the ladies faces @ the dentists office when he answered that question when one of the nurses asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He was all of three years old & knew exactly what he wanted to be... A ROCK STAR.They were all cracking up.

I have been thinking about them all morning... wondering how their day is going & if they are enjoying their new teachers, new classrooms, & new friends. I am grateful for my boys & am so proud of who they are/who they have become. I wrote them little notes last night that they will find in their lunch boxes today. I was teary eyed just writing those notes. They make me proud & I hope this year brings them lots of growth, smiles, & new experiences.
Two kids down & one to go. Garrett doesn't start school for another two weeks. He was just so proud to be walking his big brothers to their classrooms this morning. Hope you are having a great Monday!
I love the pictures of the clothes! B didn't wear ANY of his new clothes. He just doesn't care! I hope they had a great day. My boys did. It will still be an adjustment having them back in school. We're all pretty tired. We just had such an awesome summer that they were sad about school starting. Tears were shed last night.
Cute pictures. I am already missing being here and we are not even gone yet. The kids really enjoyed Coyote Ridge.
Your kids are so cute!! It's so great that they love school. This year is my first senting Ethan off to the big "K" this year and am more worried about my transition than his.
The start of school is just an exciting time for all.
Carter should totally get points for matching the teacher!
i love the underwear tucked into the shorts...smarty!
school starts for Jordan on Wed she has her clothes piced out for the week including shoes and accessories. she did this 3 weeks ago...yep she is a nut!
Happy first day of school! Molly starts tomorrow and has already decided what to wear . . . and she's wearing it to bed right now too. She didn't want to waste time getting dressed in the morning I guess.
Congratulations! That first day back to school is always so fun! You're boys are darling. Sam decided in first grade that if he showered at night and then wore his clean clothes to bed every night, he had more time to play in the morning. It certainly eased my stress level in the mornings. He is in 3rd grade and still does the same thing. He even tucks in his shirt each night (a requirement for the boys' uniforms at school). It always looks so uncomfortable to me, but I'm thrilled that he gets himself ready and we are never late in the mornings! Hope you all have a great week!
Cute Cute boys! Cute Cute Mom!
thats so cute and wow they started school already. we are next week.
I remember Carter from last year! What a crack up!
i love that photo of the carter with out the carter!
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