Brandi & I were able to chit chat with her for a bit while we were in her booth. She was super nice & so personable. We got to hear all about the American Idol festivities in the city where she is from. David A. went to high school with her daughter, so cool! She was one of my favorite "scrapbook celebs" that we were able to meet @ CHA!
So...guess what? I purchased her new collection in multiple quantities. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite paper lines from CHA with one of our blog readers! You guessed it, it's time for another give away! Anyone can play, link your friends up to my blog & share the fun. All you have to do to be entered in the drawing is to leave a comment. How about a set of Teresa's new papers & even some of the punch outs (not pictured). If you are scrapbooker, tell me which scrapbook company you could not live/scrap without. If you don't scrapbook, tell me why you don't -LOL! My boys will draw the lucky winner on Friday! Good luck!

P.S. The root canal went well! I am pain free this evening, with a little help from the good old bottle of Advil. Dr. S did a fabulous job! Looking forward to functioning again!
Hi Raimi, It's Lisa one of "The Lollipop Croppers", so happy to have found your little piece of cyberspace! Love your blog, hope you won't mind my stopping in to say hello now and then ;o). Well now a favorite scrapbook line, that is a tough one, how about my favorite couldn't live without scrapbook store? The GT for sure. I have stopped shopping anywhere else and just count the days until my next trip up to the GT, which is in 16 days!!!!
Her stuff does look cute! I am glad to hear you are feeling well - just remember I can help if you need it! My kids aren't in school for another 2 weeks, so please call me anytime. The boys looked cute on their first day! I cant believe how big they are.
cute scrapper stuff. i am still collecting scrapping stuff but have yet to start a book. lame i know.
Okay Ramimi - you have conviced me to try to scrapbook again. I am going to ask Ryan for that cool table you told me about for Christmas. Do you mind if I ask for some help every now and then?
Happy to hear your tooth is feeling better. There is nothing better than finding a good dentist, eh?
WHAT NOT SCRAPBOOK???? Who are they??? Where do they live??? We MUST pull them over to the dark side QUICKLY....We MUST SAVE them!!! Oh their poor souls.....
Okay, okay my favorite is: BLING Bazill at the moment. It is going on everything!
I hope your tooth feels better Raimi- I know you are not one to complain. So I know it must have been killing you!
I am love with Teresa Collins right now, I am working on a little project with her Bon Appetit line supper cute! The christmas and halloween line are flying off the shelf!
Hi Raimi!
Ooohhhh...a root canal. Glad to hear you are doing okay. As if I don't have enough scrap supplies, but I'm always inspired by you and Eve and the creations you ladies come up with...I'm such a simple minded scrapper, but occasionally get a creative hair [you know where]...I started out scrappin' with Creative Memories and am stuck there (until I use up all my old inventory...). I don't have a favorite product line...I just buy what I like and what goes with my pictures. I'd love to win some new stuff...thank you for the chance. Hope to see you soon. Love, Deb
I hope your tooth gets feeling better. I hate rot canals. I've never had one but we just got a $400 bill for the one Jorge just got! I'm slowly working on my kids scrapbooks I'm excited for the scrappy hour in a week!
you inspire me to have a give away...one day!!! i thought about your tooth yesterday!! i just went through something similar! hope all is well...
I'm so glad your beautiful pearly whites are feeling better. Your beautiful smile needs to feel great! I tell me kids when my youngest goes to first grade next year, I will be a "Jacque Queen Scrapbooking Machine!"
Sorry about the tooth. I've been fairly lucky with my teeth but watching Annie go through her tooth drama the last little while hasn't been fun.
As for scrappin....always KI Memories and Doodlebug. I love the bright, vibrant colors. It's been awhile since I've been in a true scrapbook store though. Gotta get the kids in school!
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