Wa-hoooooo! I won!I won! I just found out that I won a give away from Teresa Collins. I won a set of her 8 X 8 papers just by posting a comment on her blog. I am so excited. I love Teresa's collections. I've already mentioned this but just wanted to say it again. She was super nice when Brandi & I met her @ CHA! She was so personable & so chatty! It is always so nice to run into people like that! Thanks Teresa!

Garrett received his 1st black eye last Sunday. All four of the boys were running around the island in the kitchen. They were enjoying a great game of chase. They were laughing, being loud & just having a ton of fun. Garrett was running full speed & went to turn his head to see who was hot on his tail. Unfortunately, he turned @ the wrong time & ran smack dab into the corner of the counter! OUCH!!!! I have never seen something get so big, so fast. I took this picture yesterday & it now looks like he has make up on. A really bad make up job for that matter-lol!

Don't tell my Mom, but I have been listening to Christmas music this week. We had a family tradition while growing up. We wouldn't listen to Christmas music until we had had our Thanksgiving dinner @ Gram & Gramps Shores. We would then listen to to our favorite Christmas songs in the car, on our way home. I have tried to abide by this tradition but have failed miserably over the last three years. I was enjoying the Marshmallow World song by Dean Martin. Nothing like Christmas music when it is 103 degrees outside-HA!
Tanner was elected by his classmates yesterday to represent his 4th grade class as a student council member. He had to give a speech & everything. My favorite part of the speech is when he says, "I am Tan-Man, your go to man". He is very excited about representing his class & being a big part of his schools community. Ever since Tanner was a little(energizer bunny, bundle of non-stop energy) boy, my Mom has always said that he will either be an attorney, a darn good used car salesman, or the President of the Untied States. He does a great job negotiating & speaking in public. He may be a chip off the old block. My kindergarten teacher told my Mom @ my teacher conference that I was "Socially Gifted". I am pretty sure it was code for "talks too much".
I am making huge progress in my scrapbook room. Green Tangerines is having another Trash to Treasure sale @ the end of this month. The deal is, you bring your unwanted supplies/tools/stamps etc.. with a price marked on them. They will sell your stuff for you & the money you make is put towards a store credit that you can spend in store. The last time I did this, I earned about $170.00. It is an awesome way to unload your stash. So instead of just tidying my scrapbook room, I have cleaned out every corner,leaving me with this...

It feels good to unload & purge. As I do, I keep telling myself that I can probably scrapbook/paper craft for the rest of my life without purchasing another thing :). I know that will never happen, I love shopping for scrapbook supplies way too much for that :). I will post an "after picture", once everything has been put back in it's rightful home. Maybe there will even be paint on the walls.
As I have been cleaning my scrapbook room, I have had the itch to scrapbook. I have decided that I am going to work my way through all of the class kits(from my teaching days @ Memories)that I have been hoarding for the last 5 years. It might not be the newest stuff but the pages are still cute. These kits will allow me to create some quick pages. In the last two days, I have created 4 layouts & 6 cards! Not bad.
Brody is waving HI & BYE to anyone & everyone. It is so stinkin' cute(most of the time). We were in Wal*Mart this morning. We were standing @ the check out counter & I took 5 steps away from him to grab something. In those 5 seconds, he had lifted the one gallon jug of milk off of the conveyor belt & then proceeded to drop it on the floor. Thank goodness the plastic jug stayed in tack & no milk was spilt. But after he dropped it, he just smiled & waved @ me. What a little stinker.
Garrett has been taking his shirts off, turning them inside out & then putting it back on... backwards. I asked him why he keeps doing this? He said "the tag is tickling me". I wish I had tags that tickled instead of itched-LOL!

Soccer season officially starts tomorrow. We can kiss our Saturdays goodbye. You know, we wouldn't trade it for the world. The boys LOVE soccer & we love to watch them play. I think John is more excited than the boys are about the games tomorrow. We have 9 & 10 am games-thank goodness. Hopefully it will stay cool until we are off the fields. Have I mentioned that I can't wait for Fall & cooler weather?

Did you know that Grandparents Day is this Sunday? I was able to get every one's cards off in the mail yesterday. I hope they arrive tomorrow, just in time for Sunday. I am so thankful for all of my grandparents. I was lucky enough to grow up with lots of Grandma's & Grandpa's. I am lucky enough to still have 3 Grandma's & A Grandpa still around. I am so glad my boys have Great Grandparents. Grandparents were a new thing for John when we got married. All of his grandparents had died before he had the chance to get to know them. We got married and instantly, he had 3 Grandma's & 2 Grandpa's. He thought that was so very cool. In the early days of our marriage, John rode a street bike to & from work. He loved that the gas was cheap(back then) & that he could get to & from work easily. Once I became pregnant with Tanner, he decided to sell his bike. He realized that he was going to be a Dad & needed to stick around to see his son grow up & to be able to provide for him. Having a wife wasn't enough for him ;-). When my Grandma Shore had heard that he had sold his bike, she showed up with an envelope with John's name on it. Inside that envelope was $100.00. If you know my Grandma, you know she is anti-motorcycles. Anyways, my point is, John thinks that it is so great to have Grandparents that are wonderful & that are there for you in a heartbeat. I hope all of the Grandparents in our lives have a wonderful day! We LOVE you!
Carter received another %100 on his spelling test today. He has a perfect spelling record this year. I am so proud of him. He has passed the pre-test every Monday with a %100. He gets the challenge list(the harder words). Way to go Carter!
WOW! I didn't mean for my Randomness to be a book -LOL!
Have a great weekend!
The grandparents card turned out too cute!! Love it!
Your scrapbook room looks like my house. I really need to clean up, throw out and get organized!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on winning a prize!
Good luck with soccer, we are excited too!
Yea! So excited your won that prize. I love Teresa Collins too! We have soccer today too! Have a great day.
ps bring little brody by the store, I want to wave hi and bye to him too.
thats too cool about your son. sounds like a busy week
I love your weekly updates. You are so fun Raimi! Do you think maybe our kids would grow up and attend the same college? Maybe then we'd get to see each other!
Congrats on your prize!
I love your card- the colors are so pretty!
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