Long time...no blog. Life has been its normal, crazy self. I am trying to keep up with the boys & their homework, school projects, soccer practices/games, soccer pictures, cub scouts, play dates & work projects. And on top of that, I am trying to keep a clean house & maintain my sanity. Some days are definitely better than others. Last Sunday was not one of the better days. We went to church (like we do every Sunday) & Brody literally lasted about 10 minutes before the shrieking started. He is just so loud & doesn't stop once he gets going. John took him out to the foyer to see if he could get him to be quiet. So I am sitting there with Tanner, Carter, & Garrett. I noticed that Garrett has scooted down to the end of the pew & then I realized that the Sacrament tray was coming. I whispered to Tanner, asking him to slide down by Garrett(but not too close). Garrett was totally on to him & started to say in a loud voice "Tanner, I don't need your help & started leaning into Tanner like he wanted him to move. Again, he is not being quiet & he is starting to get louder at this point. Is that even possible? Oh, yes it is. The Sacrament tray(with the water) is @ our pew & Tanner is on stand by to help, just in case. The young man holding the sacrament tray continues to hold it to make sure that Garrett doesn't spill it. This clearly annoys Garrett & so he decides it is time to have a tug of war competition with this poor young boy & the Sacrament tray. I am pretty sure my face was totally red out of embarrassment. We finally get Garrett to back down & sit still. Two minutes later he is saying (in a totally loud voice) that he has to go to the bathroom to poop. Mind you, he has already been twice in a 10 minute period. I tell him he needs to wait. Well that wasn't working for his escape plan so he lays down & says in an even louder voice "I have to poop NOW". At this point, I am so done! I can feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I take Garrett out & decide to call it an afternoon. Well, while I was out in the foyer, with tears in my eyes. My good friend Kristin(who is also a Mom to 4 boys) had come out with one of her sons. She could tell that I was upset. She then told me that they thought Brody & his screaming was cute. She said "it always sounds louder to the parents." She was trying to make me feel better & at that point, I was really just DONE. John headed back into the meeting with Garrett. Brody & I headed home. Brody fell asleep one minute into our car ride home. Can you say tired.
The whole reason I blog about this little incident is because I wanted to share what my sweet friend Kristin did. Later that evening, Kristin showed up on my porch with a cute little bucket filled with candy.

She then explained that she couldn't find her fortune cookie recipe that afternoon but she had included some little fortunes tucked in with the candy. She had taken the time to print little thoughts/quotes out that had to do with motherhood. Reading those little slips of paper made me cry(cause that's what I do best)& realize how important my role in these little boys lives are. We are going to have hard days mixed in with the good days. I am so grateful for the chance I get to start over each new day...a do over. Kristin, thank you for thinking of me & making me smile. I will never forget your kindness & I may even attempt to try Sacrament meeting again next week :).
I'll share a few of my favorite quotes from the candy bucket."Being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs...since the payment is pure love".
"It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't".
"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers".
"Raising children is like making pancakes. You mess the first one up and the rest turn out good".
"Being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs...since the payment is pure love".
love that!!
what a wonderful friend...what a huge blessing!
I'm sorry you had such a bad day on Sunday. We were in the back and I didn't even notice anything going on with you guys. I noticed you weren't there though and figured Brody was probably warn out from a busy Saturday.
Your so lucky to have such great friends that think about you!
Oh I know those Sundays. It seems like lately they are ALL our Sundays. We sit in the very front pew at church - don't ask why, because it isn't my idea! Jonathan (the baby) is all over the place all the time and LOUD. The Bishopric always says how great it is to see our kids up there every week, but I think that is just because they are so entertaining to people who aren't trying to keep them under control! I have to make that walk back to the lobby past all those people at least once a week.
Oh, Raimi! I know those Sundays all too well, too. It's HARD! When G was in the student ward bishopric for 2 years, I took my 2boys to church by myself. B was a newborn and N was 2 at the beginning. I went out to my car during church a few times and just cried wanting to call it a day. But once N said he really wanted to go to Primary (when he was almost 4), I pulled myself together and went back in. We still have some tough Sundays. I know that Heavenly Father works through our good friends to help us and remind us of our worth, and our divine calling as mothers. I'm so glad that Kristin was there for you to remind you that you are doing God's work raising your little boys ... and it's okay to get upset and frustrated. YOU'RE normal. LOVE the quotes. I'm adding those to my quote collection.
What a sweet and kind friend! Only those have felt like they were at a really low point truly understand what it means when someone tunes into your struggles and does something really nice. Her sweet act will be something you remember for a long time! I think YOU ARE GREAT! I love your boys too!
I have to admit I was laughing at the sacrament water incident!
First, I have to say how happy I am that I found your blog again! It's wonderful to see how your family is doing...even if it's occasionally clouded by the dreaded Sacrament Mtg fiascos (that happen to all of us!). Thanks for letting me realize that not everyone's life (or blogs for that matter) are full of nothing but bliss, parties, vacations and wonderful happy moments. I've almost stopped reading some because my self esteem couldn't take it! But you helped me realize that "life" still happens - to everyone. I miss you and your sweet smile. How great is it that I can type Raimi Krupp into the google search and have several options come up! That's got to mean something!!! Lots of love to you and yours
I so understand how you feel. what a sweet friend.
I had a day like that recently too. Not fun. The cute friend in the hall told me that someday I'd be wishing these days back. I'm pretty sure I won't be wishing that day back EVER! (Let's discuss this in 10 years - I'm sure we'll have lots to say!)
You get big, huge, gigantic props from me for being in sacrament. When all four of mine were little and Wade was gone, I skipped sacrament and only took them for primary. Especially after Mason climbed over our pew, fell off backwards and onto the people sitting behind us. There were also a few times he would go up and down the pews during sacrament and beg people for gum. Oh the memories!!
You are so sweet, and I'm so glad to gear its not just me. I swear I have one child to handle and I feel like I can't even do that! Every sunday it seems I go home feeling like the worst mother in the world. What a sweet friend you have who knows just what you need!
What a great frined! I think I need to be more thoguhtful like that. And sacrament meeting....we're lucky if we make it. It's last for us AND Matthew's nap time. I figure if I can make it til the sacrament is done being passed, then I'm good. That's the most important part anyway. I hope this week is better. Just think, the following week is conference. Gotta love that!
Once, when Grant was out-of-town, I was at church w/ new baby Sam and Jack (who was about 3). For whatever reason, that Sunday was a tough one. I couldn't get Jack to sit or be quiet or cooperate at all. Out of frustration I said, "This is Heavenly Father's house and He wants you to be quiet." Jack replied, "This isn't His house, it isn't even his neighborhood." Sometimes it feels like that....like you're not even in HF's neighborhood while you're at church. I can laugh about it now, but it's been a few years!
Thanks for sharing your story :o) random acts of kindness are the best! Sweet friend you have there...
Hi Raimi,
I can relate to a point. Don't have four, but I have to hold down Levi's arms when the tray comes. The boys don't understand how a little one wants to grab a handful and not just one, so they put it right in front of him, Levi's head got stuck in a chair at church a few weeks ago. I blogged about that. I loved the quotes.
Hey, look who's blogging. Thanks for your sweet words! I didn't even notice the whole sacrament thing but I was laughing when I read it because we've been there too. You're a great mom!
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