12 years ago today, I married my sweetheart...my best friend. In the 12 years that we have been married, we have lived in two apartments, attended college (mostly night school), we had one lost(never found)wedding ring, graduated from college, owned 4 different cars, won a free trip to Hawaii, moved away from the city that we both grew up in, purchased our first home, had four children, only two ER trips with the four children in 9 years(not bad), steered clear of owning pets (I know I will have to cave one of these days), owned many dirt bikes & quads, moved away from family, 2 different jobs for John, 4 different jobs for Raimi, experienced the passing of John's Mom. Last but not least, we have made(& are still making) hundreds of memories that will last a life time. Through the years we have experienced great joy (and some sadness). I can't even begin to imagine this journey with out John by my side. I am grateful for the man that he is. He works so hard to provide for our family & for that I am so very grateful. He is wonderful hubby & an even better Father. Happy 12th anniversary sweetie. I Love you!
On a side note, it was so much fun reading your "kindness" posts. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful stories. I loved each one! In honor of our 12th anniversary, I will be doing something nice for the friend who left the 12th post. That lucky friend is....Laurie H.. Congrats Laurie. I will see you next week sometime. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Happy Anniversary guys! Love the pictures!
was that Jenn S, who beat me to by 3 minutes, how did she get home so quickly.
Happy Anniversary!!!
Congrats on 12 years!
Happy Happy Aniversary you two! You've made it four times longer than most Celebrity marriages! May you have many many years more.
Happy ann! You look just the same!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!! I am happy to say I was there when you said "I Do". Love the pictures, and I hope you have another 1200 years of happy bliss!!
12 years...wow. that is awesome. congrats!
LOVE the wedding pics...
Love the pics and the story, thanks for sharing :o).
Congratulations on 12 years! May the next 12 be even better. Happy Anniversary!
Lisa P.
I hope you had a nice anniversary! Beautiful wedding pictures and beautiful story!
Happy 12 years! Congrats!
i remember being there too. i also remember we headed to santa cruz in between your ceremony and reception. we ended up at your reception on our fine beach attire!! congrats on 12 great years. you and john make a great couple!!
Congrats! Happy Anniversary!
I'm happy for your blessed life!
As I approach my declining years, they would be much nicer if you and your fam would relocate to Zion. Besides which, Katie, Annie and Barb have too much time on their hands. They all love babysitting lots of kids. It would free up a lot of time for you. By the way I still remember your wedding and being late to the reception. Congrats.
I love it when people post wedding and engagement pictures! You look great!
THANK YOU for my flowers! I LOVE THEM!!! Funny how full circle they really are. I had a rough night and when I came home from work and my house was...trashed (Richard does his best the house is just not his strength) I wanted to scream. I was so tired, and frustrated...but then I found some beautiful flowers sitting there, for ME!!!
Thank you!
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