We will remember

This is a day that will be etched in my mind forever. My heart has been heavy today. I thought about that tragic day...all day long. I remember being @ home with Tanner who was 2 & Carter who was exactly 6 months old to the day. I sat on our family room floor with my babies, watching the news & just sobbing, uncontrollably. I was scared, nervous, & mad. So many emotions. Tanner & Carter just recently learned about Sept. 11th, the Twin Towers & all that happened on that day. They had watched a documentary one night with john while I was teaching a class. The next morning, while we were eating breakfast, they told me all about what they had watched. They wanted to know why it had happened. I got so emotional just talking to them about it. I was a little apprehensive at first. Being the Mother Hen that I am, I want to protect them from the bad things in the world. On the flip side, I wanted them to know that there were so many hero's that risked their lives to save others on that day. I also wanted them to know how very lucky we are to be Americans. I am so grateful for the men & women who serve our country on a daily basis. Grateful for their sacrifices to protect me & my family so we can carry on with our lives. I will remember this day forever & never forget those who put their lives on the line. I loved seeing our flag (in the picture above) rise above the sea of smoke & ashes on that day. Those colors never looked more beautiful! It gave me hope.
Well said Raimi.....
I agree completely! I, too, will always remember that morning. I was out EARLY delivering hundreds of newspapers listening to the radio as this all unfolded ... confusion and all. I was listening as the 2nd plane hit and people were figuring out what was really going on. When I finished my route, I bolted into the bedroom and woke up G. We watched in horror on the tv. It was only like the 4th or 5th day of Kindergarten for N. We walked him to school, dazed I might add, and saw similar looks on ALL of the parents around. I LOVE the picture you posted. It's such a tribute to the American spirit and symbolizes how everyone banded together in the face of tragedy. I loved seeing all of the American flags displayed ALL over: homes, bridges, buildings etc.
You have a way with words Raimi. We woke up to the news thanks to our alarm clock radio. Got us out of bed quick! Erin was seven months old. The day is still very vivid!
I wish you were here so I could share my scrapbook about that day. I was working at Memories and had to be "on" for all our customers that justed wanted to be somewhere with others. My scrapbook is the way I worked through all the grief and as you said, so many emotions. A horrible time for our country.
Love You,
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