With Thanksgiving fast approaching, these are the things I am THANKFUL for today (items in no particular order).
1. A hubby who can fix his own car when it breaks down(sure saves us money).
2. The stranger who loaned the above hubby a phone because he forgot his cell phone.
3. The beautiful Fall leaves (I love the orange, red, & yellow tones) on all of the trees around town.
4. Friends who are willing to step in & help you out with your calling when they know you need it.
5. A washer & dryer
6. The phone that allows me to connect with family who doesn't live close by.
7. Mail from friends & family. Makes me happy to think that they thought of us.
8. My family
9. My home
10. The fun holidays that are fast approaching.
11. Christmas music
12. I am happy that black Friday is this week. I am thankful for sales & good shopping :).
There are lots of things to be thankful for today & every day of the year.
What are you grateful/thankful for today? Have a safe & Happy Thanksgiving.