One more thing to check off my list! I completed 12 mini soccer albums for Carter & his team mates. John coached Carter's team this season. We wanted to do something fun & personalized for each boy. Another Mom on the team took about 200 photos @ each game & would upload them to Costco. Each parent was asked to give me 10-15 photos of their son. From there I was able to create a book for each boy. It was fun to watch the boys flip thru their books. We had a fun team party @ the local pizza joint tonight. The boys received their trophies, mini albums, had pizza, cake, cookies, & they played video games. Stephanie (our team Mom) did a great job planning all of the details. Thanks Steph! You hard work was so appreciated this season! Thank you to the whole team for the gift card to Strikes & the great team Plaque for John! It has been an awesome team & an awesome season.
J LOVES his book! We can't thank you enough for it. He's walking around the house right now with it. I hope you & John WILL use the gift card for a date night. I thought the party went well, despite the room mix-up. Anyway, thank you SO much!!!
You do amazing work Raimi! I hope a mom on Erin's basketball team does this for her.
You are a talent Raimi!
That's awesome!
Wow, I feel like I didn't do much for my boys. They are very lucky. You always stay so busy, how do you do it? I can't wait to see one in person. They look so nice.
Hey.... when are you going to make a cute little book like this for another Green Tangerines soccer class.... too stinkin cute!!
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