Oh my goodness! We received our first Christmas card in the mail yesterday. My friend Kathy is on the ball. I love receiving Christmas cards with updated family photos. This is ONE of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I stalk the mail carrier-LOL. I look forward to each & every card(this is a BIG hint to you if you are reading my blog :). Don't forget to put me on your Christmas Card list. What is your favorite part/tradition during the Christmas season? Leave a comment & I will have the boys draw a name in the next couple of days. If your name is drawn, I'll send you a surprise in the mail.
Have a great day!
My Aunt Dayna already sent a card too! I tape them to our pantry door and then put them in a binder. We have lots of favorite traditions -- but one special one from when I was little too, was that my parents wrote us our own individual Christmas card each year. We would open them on their bed Christmas morning before we opened any presents. We do that with our kids now and it's a great reminder that our most precious gifts are our children.
I'm worried. My friend Betsy always sends her card the day after Thanksgiving and it's not here yet. I hope she's OK. :) My favorite Christmas tradition is the Christmas Eve jam ride. Each year there was one present that would say, "Open Christmas Eve" from my parents. My mom always said it was NOT pajamas this year even though it ALWAYS was. After dinner we would read the Christmas story in Luke then The Night Before Christmas and then we'd each take turns opening our pajamas. As soon as everyone had opened theirs we'd RACE to see who could change and get back to the tree first. As soon as we were in our jams we'd find some warm blankets (we were in Minnesota) go into the car and drive around looking at Christmas lights while listening to Bing Crosby. My own little family does this now. I can't imagine a Christmas without doing the jam ride. I even roped my mission companion into doing this with me in Idaho. We drove to see the lights at the State Capitol and since it was open still, we actually went inside in our pajamas!
I am so enjoying all of these great traditions! Keep them coming!
I agree 110% about the cards. I LOVE them. I just finished making mine last night. Although I'm always nervous to send one to you! Your cards are always top of the line!!!
I started a little tradition when Dan and I got married. I have bought us each an ornament with our names on them. We are up to three each now. It is fun to look for them. And, they never cost too much. I don't know what we'll do when we have kids. We'll have to give them fairly normal names I guess!!
I, too, love getting Christmas cards from friends and family -- especially when they contain a picture and a letter. As a family, we really enjoy pulling out the Christmas tree ornaments because many of them remind us of places we've been. We make an effort to buy an ornament when we visit somewhere as a family. So the memories come flooding back when we pull that particular ornament out to put on the tree. We also do the traditional new PJ's on Christmas Eve like my family did growing up. Both of our families always put an orange at the bottom of our Christmas stockings, so we do that too.
My favorite is the Christmas music! I turn my car/truck radios to Y92.5 the day after Thanksgiving, they always have Christmas music playing. I to love to get cards in the mail, I'm very late doing mine this year. I ususally have them done before Thanksgiving. MY goal this weekend!!!! Merry Christmas to all!!!
Hey I found you through Kerrie's blog. Holy Cow you are so creative. I only wish I could be that creative.
So I totally want in on this drawing. I have to say my favorite thing about this season is the smells, the music, the shopping and the lights. You didn't say we had to pick just one, right? Anyway, Happy Holidays to you and your family! Check out our blog: www.themarsdenfamily.blogspot.com
i LOVE twinkle lights! and cards and treats and music...i love it all!
Christmas Eve pajama party. Everyone comes in their new Christmas jammies and we eat breakfast for dinner. It's great because then the kids are all ready for bed. I'm waiting and anxious for your card this year.
The first year after Ben and I were married, the missionaries assigned (to our Deaf branch) asked if they could come over Christmas day to use our
computer to talk with their families on the AIM (one Elder was Deaf). I selfishly balked at first. I wanted it to be just us for our first Christmas. But then we decided to cook them breakfast. We enjoyed it so much we did it again for the next 4 Christmases. We don't have missionaries assigned to us any more, but we sure would enjoy doing it again. We also do a tradition my mom started when we were young where we have a birthday cake for Jesus and sing "Happy Birthday".
Getting through the ward Christmas party tops our list this year:0) !!
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