I can't believe my baby is 12 weeks old today! I say this all the time... but time really is moving way too fast. He brings a smile to my face all day long. He is a sweet boy!
This is what he's up to at 12 weeks, Brody is:
- wearing 3-6 month clothes( a few 9 month outfits for fun)
- wearing a size 2 diaper
- smiles all the time
- one happy baby
- giggled for John last Sat. (full on belly laugh, so cute!)
- loves to snuggle his blankets right up to face when he sleeps
- drinking 6 oz. of formula @ each feeding
- sleeping on his back with his arms straight back above his head.
- loved by his big brothers all day long
- will be moving into his room to sleep in his crib.
he will share a room with Garrett, wish him luck!
- snores like his Daddy (it is very entertaining @ church)
- getting better about tummy time
- loves to take a bath
- likes to be rocked (in our arms, in his car seat, or in the cradle)
- the hit @ the scrapbook store when we go for a visit :)!
- sleeping about 7-8 hours straight @ night.
I love this little guy!