He is a big boy & is pretty much a BIG deal in our little world. At almost 2 1/2 years of age, you can hear him say things like: "tag, you're it." Doesn't matter who you are, if you look like a good chase, it is game on in his world.
If I am headed into the kitchen, he will follow me & say; "what are you making?" He is a talker & wants to be in the know!
After I hang up the phone, he will ask " who was that?"
He has the best manners. He says please & thank you all the time. Not always in the right order, but he tries.
When a prayer is said at church, he has the loudest AMEN & sometimes that Amen is said before the prayer is even over.
He likes to knock on the bedroom doors & say "knock, knock. Who's there? Is anybody there"? It is pretty funny!
He loves his big brothers so much & wants to do everything that they do. He loves seeing them off to school in the morning. He sends them off with Brody kisses & hugs! It is very sweet & tender.
He is a super busy two year old. I need to remember to stop & enjoy these sweet little moments, a little more often.
Awesome post!
they grow up so fast.
He's darling! Having a little boy around here after three girls has been such a different experience!
Nicolas was so excited to see Brody and said "I remember him from our ward!" I need to remember to enjoy my last baby too, usually I just try to get through each day without losing it! We sure miss you guys.
i love it when you are able to bring the boys in they always make me laugh...
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