We had a great time. All of the cousins were there. They spent the entire time out front playing football, basketball, riding bikes, skateboarding, taking turns pulling the wagon, & many games of good ole' chase.

Uncle Tyson even pulled out his micro midget & took it for a few runs up & down the street. The older boys cheered him on. Brody cried. It was loud.

Did I mention that his micro hauls? That baby is fast. Hence the blurry photo. I wasn't able to set my camera to the right setting fast enough. Oh well!

I am so glad we made the trip down there. We were able to spend time with the Shore side of the family & catch up with everyone. It was so GREAT to see my brother Tyson. The boys loved hanging out with him & were so excited when he ran to the store to buy a football for all of his nephews to play with. Grandma & Grandpa could not find theirs. Uncle Ty saved the day! Thanks Ty!

I am so grateful that I can hop in my car & arrive @ my parents house in about two hours. It was a wonderful day/evening. Garrett woke up this morning & the first thing out of his mouth was "Are we going to Grandma Sandy's house today"?
i really am glad you had a great day with all of your family...
Isn't playing with cousins the best?!!! Glad you had a great time down with your family, all of them =)
Looks like a fabulous day. Gees....Brandon and Tyson don't so little anymore.
Sounds like you all had a fun day!
How Fun! I wish I lived close to either of our families.
You are a smart mom, family time is very important!!!
Looks like fun, glad you had a good day with your family. Those are the days kids always remember!
Family time is the BESTEST!!
we are pulling J out of school early on thursday for just that reason. there is no school on Friday so we want to head over the hill to see some family for the long weekend. she is the same way about perfect attendance...or we would leave Wed night...kids! love it!
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