So I missed posting this back on St. Patrick's Day but wanted to make sure I had it recorded somewhere. On St. Patrick's Day, I was a bad Mom & sent Tanner & Carter off to school w/out having them wear green because
I forgot what day it was. It is the only holiday that I don't totally get into. I'm not sure why, but I just don't...maybe next year. Any way, I remembered it was St. Patty's day just in time to send Garrett off to speech class. I told him to go & find a green shirt, QUICK. When he came out with a green shirt on, I told him we could go pinch Daddy because it was St. Patrick's Day & daddy wasn't wearing green. Garrett wouldn't pinch him (on any other day I would have said "good boy"), he wasn't getting the whole St. Patrick's Day tradition. My friend Steph drove Garrett to speech that day & when she brought him home, she said I need to tell you what Garrett said today. I always hold my breath for these kind of conversations because I never know what will come out of my 4 yr.olds mouth - LOL.
She said at first she wasn't sure what he was talking about...but after putting two & two together, she got it!!! Garrett was saying "it is Patrick's Day today, we are wearing green"

He then proceeded to tell Timothy & Stephanie that "tomorrow is Spongebob day so we all need to wear yellow". Too funny! He thought that if we had a day of celebration for 'Patrick', well then we surely we have a day of celebration for Spongebob. Totally makes sense, right!?!? Mark your calendar folks. From now on, March 18th is the official Spongebob day.

Don't forget to wear yellow or Garrett just might pinch you.
We love SB and Patrick, so count us in for next year!
I just love 4 year olds!! They are the best!
Don't forget St. Urho's day (Finnish Saint celebrated in parts on MN still) on March 16. Be sure to wear purple! (I love how clothes for three days of the month are planned for me already!) Cute Garrett.
Love the accompaning pictures! Such a cute boy!!
That is funny!
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