Look at this cuteness she made for ME.
You know how I LOVE aprons. This one is so fun & colorful. Thank you for my darling apron Laurie...I LOVE IT! What you can't see in the photo that john took is that I am actually doing a curtsy to show off my apron :). Thank you Laurie! You made my day!
Now let me explain why we were still in our jammies and half dressed @ 10 am. A nasty little virus is running through our house right now. Carter & Tanner have had fevers over a 100 degrees for two days now. Garrett
woke up with a fever this morning-uuugghhh! They have the shivers, then they are hot. Carter has a nagging cough & cold. Poor little guy is totally miserable. Brody & are are still healthy - knock on wood.
In other news on the home front/life, I won the Morty basket @ Bunko last night. The theme for our prize basket was "favorite indulgence". There were a ton of goodies in the basket. It was a great night to win that basket for the very first time. I have been playing Bunk for the last 5 years & have yet to win that coveted basket. Some of the prizes were: Costa Vida gift cards, a Sonic gift card, A Starbucks gift card, a People magazine, Truffles, a darling serving platter/plate(totally my colors), body scrub, Bath & Body Lotion, glass cleaner, Easter candy, & even a $10.00 bill. It was a fun win. Thanks for hosting Keri, I had a great time.
The Science Fair project has been turned in( and returned back to us) - YAY!!!
Tanner did a nice job with his experiment & project board. The boy who loves to chew gum thought it would be fun to buy several different gum brands & test them to see which brands flavor lasts the longest. i am pretty sure it was just a ploy to get me to buy him several packs of gum at once :). I'm glad the Science Fair is over. Now we get to gear up for the 4th grade mission project -uugghhhh...not looking forward to that one.
I headed to Wal*Mart @ 11:30 PM on Friday night. I purchased my copy of Twilight & was home by 12:15 am.

Do you think I watched it that night,(ugghh I mean morning)? You bet I did. Then I watched it again on Saturday night. It is going to be one of my favorites for late night scrabooking.
Baseball in under way. I sat out @ the ball field on Saturday for 5 hours straight, in the pouring rain. The rain would break for a few miutes & then start up again.
We kept waiting for them to call all the games because the rain was coming down hard. No luck. Both boys won their games despite the rain. They actually enjoyed playing in the rain.
Even with all the rain, you should know that Spring really is here. We are enjoying all of the popcorn trees around town. They look really pretty. John's allergies are full blown right now due to these beauties...poor guy.
Spring weather = park days! Brody & I enjoyed our neighborhood park last week. Loved the weather & the smile that the park brought to his face.
We hope you are healthy & enjoying your week!
So glad you liked it! You look so springy - and healthy. I forgot to tell you that the pocket is for your ipod. Now you can run around the kitchen and keep your tunes handy and listen to more music and less boys. (I'm always in my jammies as long as possible. Good for you!)
I'm so glad you are enjoying your beautiful Roseville Spring!
You totally scored with the Morty basket last night!! Way to go. I hope you & Brody stay healthy.
Lisa P.
Sounds like you are having fun - except for the colds. We spent all of January being sick - I missed four weeks of church due to kids having it. We are currently beginning the 4th grade mission project - good times. And I sympathize with John - those trees make my allergies awful too.
What a fun post Raimi! Looks like you have been busy, hope everyone gets better soon. We've sure had the run-a-round of illnesses in our house this winter :(.
What a cute apron! You have wonderful friends Raimi!
I want to know which gum won...for keeping its flavor the longest.
no one in my house is playing basebal lthis year. And I am NOT sad about it! you are such a fun mom. Brody is getting so dang big!
Luv the apron...hope you guys get better soon!
I am so happy that you finally won the Morty basket! It means I have a chance next, right!?? And, yes, you do look very snappy in that lovely apron =)
when my C and your B get over their respective colds we will have to meet up at your park. We love the park.
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