I try to avoid you like the plague. I have just learned that I can't shop at your stores. I can't stick to my lists upon entering your doors. I know this about myself & that is why I have basically grounded myself from your stores. Well, I had a bunch of coupons for a steal of a deal on granola bars & so i decided to visit you today. I even gave myself a little pep talk while making my way to your Fairway location. I told myself I was going to run in & run out with my super steal of a deal on granola bars AND that was it. Well, I purchased my cheap granola bars alright AND a few extra things that I told myself I didn't need.
First I couldn't pass up this cute little Easter outfit for Brody.
I even tried to purchase the blue version for Garrett but he flat out told me he didn't like it & wasn't not going to wear it. It was quite the conversation, still makes me giggle.
And then I saw this cuteness.
Let me preface this by saying, if you stop by my house between 7-9 am, you will usually find me totally dressed for the day WITH an apron on & no I am not baking-LOL! I have been asked that several times. A few years back, I tried to follow the FLY lady website. While this site has some great tips/techniques for getting your home & life in order, I decided that it was not for me. I did take and still use some of her valuable suggestions & ideas...one of them being to get yourself fully dressed before you begin your daily routine each morning. I have learned that 7-9 am is my time to clean & get things in order for the day. I wear my apron so I don't ruin my clothes while scrubbing a toilet or scouring the kitchen sink. Okay, I am thinking you probably think I am a little weird right about now...what I am trying to say is that this simple, cute little apron from Target makes me happy. I am cleaning in style now!
So, darn you Target. Once again, I am grounding myself from you. Until I can learn to stick to the list, I won't be shopping with you.
I will tell you that I purchased 10 boxes of Quaker Granola bars for for $5.00 plus tax & that I do appreciate that deal.
Target is the devil. It does the same thing to me. However, today I went in to kill twenty minutes before I had to be to the school. I bought nothing. I even shocked myself. I will admit though that I was tempted by mini cadburry eggs.
You crack me up!! I love Target! But it's true, I always come out with far more than I'd planned. That apron is wonderful! I say you post a pic of you wearing it scrubbing those toilets!!
We need to shop together...you take my list and I'll take yours, and we'll make each other stick to them! (OR...we could just enable each other! LOL)
i am the same way with Target. I've gotten to the point that I don't care if I'm spending more money (on an item) by avoiding it...I can't go in there...I spend too much on other stuff...which costs more than the savings on the original item! :)
Seriously can relate! Although I'm apparently not to the first step "acknowledgement", but still in the "denial" portion of the Target addiction. It is almost a spiritual experience for me to troll the isles.... I like to refer to it as my "happy place". Grant once referred to Crate & Barrel as my "mother ship", but I think it might be Tar-jhay!
i LOVE target!!! i did a double take on that apron when i was in there the other day... darn store, but i can't help it. :)
WAY cute apron...as for Target check my previous post!!!
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