Thursday, January 31, 2008
A New Blog
**You can leave a comment even if you aren't local. Check it out & let them know what you think.
Feel free to pass the link on to your friends & family that scrapbook. Good luck!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
He Will be Missed!
We have a WINNER!

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Top 5
I have been downloading new songs from itunes today. I have enjoyed spending my itunes gift card from my birthday back in October-thanks Petra. I am in the mood for some more "NEW" music. I know they might not all be "NEW" songs (just released) but they may be new to me. What are your top 5 favorite songs right now? What have you downloaded from itunes this month? Please share! The 5 new songs that I am enjoying today are:
The Way I am - Ingrid Michaelson - I love this song!
Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful of Sunshine
Natash Bedingfield - Love Like this
Colbie Caillat - Feelings Show
Our Song - Taylor Swift
I think it's time for another fun give away. If you share your top 5 songs, I will put your name into the drawing & I'll mail you something fun. You know how my boys love to pull names from a bowl. Post away & i can't wait to hear what you are listening too!
Thursday, January 24, 2008

I am looking forward to the end of this challenge. Don't get me wrong, I am getting so much done for our family albums & for Brody's baby book. I have enjoyed the time I've spent creating & accomplishing things. It is definitely pushing me to get things done. John always teases me that my future daughter in laws are going to die when I pull up in a U-Haul truck just to deliver scrapbooks.
What are you accomplishing & checking off your list this week?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Sleep over

LOAD #20

Thank you for all of your kind responses to my last post. It is great to have such wonderful friends & a fabulous support system. I love each of you & appreciate your kind thoughts & insights. Things are fine. Just a rough day & lots to think about!
Other news... our house is very quiet! My parents have all of the grand kids(9) @ their house this weekend for a sleep over. All of them except Brody. They are even taking them all to church this morning! Wish them luck! John, Brody & I enjoyed a nice dinner out last night using a gift card from the soccer team. It was very nice but weird w/out the older boys. When we called last night to say goodnight , all three of them said they were having SO MUCH FUN! My Dad sent us a few pictures through Snapfish. I will share them once he sends them via email.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Friday, January 18, 2008
On My Sleeve
"There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messages of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love".
- Washington Irving
I am human with a good waterworks show!
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Love Him...

Monday, January 14, 2008
8 Months Old

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Family Home Evening

Saturday, January 12, 2008
LOAD #12

Friday, January 11, 2008
It's Back!

Thursday, January 10, 2008
This One Is For John!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Calm Day At Home

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
2007 In Review
{2007 in review}
1.What did you do in 2007 that you have never done before? I learned how to download my pictures from my camera to my computer. This is big for a non-computer girl. I also started our blog. I never thought in a million years I would ever maintain a blog. I really enjoy blogging! I also was made the activities chair @ church. I can honestly say I had never planned parties for 200 plus until that calling.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2008? I did make a few resolutions in 2007. One that we made as a family was to start & finish the Book of Mormon. I am so proud to say that we achieved that goal in 2007 & made the same goal for 2008. It is not always easy with four boys but we really have enjoyed the time with the boys & the blessings!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2007? Yep…that would be me! We welcomed Baby Brody into our family in May. He is such a blessing & we really can’t imagine our family w/out him! We are so grateful for the addition of boy # 4. We love our Baby Moose.
4. Did anyone close to you die in 2007?
We were fortunate to go all year with out loosing anyone close to us! We are so very grateful for the good health everyone enjoyed in 2007.
5. What countries did you visit this year?
None. We didn’t even travel outside of California. It is hard to get away with the boys in school & family who can’t help out in that way due to health or distance. Maybe when we are empty Nester's ( I sure hope it is sooner than that).
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
More date nights with John! We are working on this. I am hoping for @ least once a month. We went out to eat last Saturday night, just the two of us & it was great! Yeah- for date nights. I would also like to be more organized in all areas of my life (home, church, work, & play)
7. What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 22, 2007 & May 14, 2007. The Jan. 22 date was when I went in for a 3D ultra sound to check on the cysts that they had found on Brody’s brain. These cysts sent up a red flag for the Dr.. If they did not shrink or go away, it was a sign that there were more serious problems. They diagnosed it as Choroid Plexis Cysts. When the Dr. told us that they had totally disappeared, I just wept. It was a huge relief! I felt like I could function again! May, 14, 2007 was the day we welcomed Brody into our family. I remember the nurse wheeling me up to my room while John went with Brody to be cleaned up (his first bath). I remember just sitting in the dark & saying a prayer to Heavenly Father thanking him for the miracle of life & for the safe delivery of this sweet baby. So grateful for his good health. Just writing about it gets me teary eyed. So grateful for the chance to be a Mom. It was a great day, just like the other three births were.
8. What was your biggest achievement this year?
I can’t think of anything big. I do think one thing could be the happiness & well being of our family. I think in this day in age, it takes a lot to have a strong family unit & happy children. I think we are doing well in that area & I hope & pray it continues.
9. What was your biggest struggle this year?
Trying to get myself in gear to loose the baby weight. I had/still have a hard time making time for just ME (to exercise) & I hope to be better about it in 2008.
Watching people you love struggle to over come some major things in their lives.
10. Did you suffer any illness or injury in 2007?
Morning sickness was an on going thing for me during the entire pregnancy. It was hard & draining. Once Brody was born, I was feeling better again. So happy to have that behind me.
11. What was the best thing you bought this year?
I think it was the digital camera for my parents. All of my siblings & I pitched in & bought them the camera for Christmas. Up until then, my Mom was still using a disposable camera. They seemed truly grateful & appreciative.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Garrett!
It didn’t take him long to get potty trained this last summer. Yeah for Garrett & the load it took off me. Garrett’s speech has come a long way this year too! I am so proud of him.
13. Whose behavior disappointed you?
14. Where did most of your money go?
Wal*Mart! Man I feel like I lived @ that store ( & still do). Since we have a Super Wal* Mart in town, it is a one stop shopping trip for our family. We are there several times a week. Whether it is for the basics, or toiletries, or photos, or scrapbook adhesive, or the billions of diapers & cans of formula we went thru!
15. What did you get really really excited about this year?
I was able to spend the weekend @ the beach with some girlfriends. We scrapbooked Thursday-Saturday night. It was awesome. One of my best friends Michelle came too so it was great to spend some time with her. I was also very excited about seeing Kenny Chesney in concert.
16. What song will always remind you of 2007?
I fell in love with a million new songs this year. Couldn't really pick out just one.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, much nicer or richer?
Not richer…probably poorer with all of these boys & their sports & the formula & diaper thing sure eats ones money! HA! I am much happier (that morning sickness thing makes a big difference in my general attitude). I can always work on being nicer to EVERYONE!
18. What do you wish you had done more of?
I wish I had gone to bed earlier & had more sleep.
More date nights with John for sure!
19. What do you wish you had done less of?
I have allowed other peoples' foolish actions to hurt me and even upset me. I wish I would have just let it go...let them deal with their own actions and avoid the negative feelings those actions aroused in me.
20. Did you fall in love this year?
Not for the first time, but over & over again while watching John hold Brody for the first time. It gave me that happy, flutter in the stomach feeling. He is a great Dad & I love to watch him interact with our boys. I love that each of my boys have a great relationship with John. I instantly fell in love with Brody the minute they placed him in my arms. What an amazing experience.
21. What was your favorite TV Program in 2007?
I am still a BIG Grey’s Anatomy fan. I must say, I did not very much TV last year.
22. What was the best book you read this year?
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. It is her Memoir. It is very well written. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about that family. It makes me grateful for EVERYTHING that is stable in my life. I also enjoyed the series by Stefanie Myers (Twilight, Eclipse, & New Moon).
23. What was your greatest musical discovery this past year?
Again, I fell in love with a TON of new music this year...but I really like the new Celine Dion CD, My Wish by Rascal Flatts, anything Michael Bubble, & I discovered the Clay Aiken Christmas CD & loved it. Oh, & I like some of Fergie's music, the edited versions of course!I love music & am usually open to anything!
24. What did you want and get this year?
A healthy baby & a safe Labor & Delivery.
25. What was the best movie you saw this year?
I honestly did not see very many movies this year. I did see the Bourne Ultimatum (John’s pick) & really enjoyed it! Not a favorite but is was very good.
26. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?
I turned 33 in 2007. I swear I still think I’m 30. I must have mentally stopped counting @ 30. I feel like I got to celebrate my birthday all week long. My good friend Stephanie planned a fun friend birthday dinner @ Claim Jumpers. It was a fun night & everyone was very generous with gift certificates to my favorite stores (Pier 1, Green Tangerines, & my favorite pedicure place). My parents came up on my actual birthday. We enjoyed the boys soccer games & then we went shopping. I go tot pick out my present & then John & the boys treated me to dinner & cake. It was a great birthday. I felt very loved & remembered with all of the fun mail , visits from friends on my porch & birthday phone calls.
27. What would have made your your year more satisfying?
I say this every year & will say it again…I want to be ready for Christmas by Dec. 1st. That means Christmas cards will be made/purchased, The shopping will be complete, the Grandma calendars will be done, the house (inside & out) will be decked out, & hopefully the ward party will be done by that first weekend so I can REALLY ENJOY my December.
28. How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year?
Can you say Maternity Wear? It was Maternity clothes for the first half of the year. I was very tired of the maternity jeans & same few t shirts that I seemed to wear over & over again. After Brody was born, I prayed each day that more of my clothes would begin to fit.
29. What kept you sane this year?
My Scrapbook weekend @ the beach, scrapbook nights @ the scrapbook store with good friends, Bunko with good friends, & my daily walks with Camie when the weather was good.
30. What celebrity did you fancy the most?
I would have to say Kenny Chesney. I become quite obsessed with his music after I see him in concert. Not having liked country music until about 4 years ago, I am not sure what it is about him. I like his music & he is a great entertainer. Another one of those things I would have never imagined in a million years. John still doesn’t get it :).
31. Who did you miss this past year?
I have missed my family a lot this year. Due to certain circumstances & distance, we don’t get to see each other as often as we would like. I am hoping it is better this year. I miss that my boys don’t live close to their cousins. My cousins were/are some of my very best friends. I wish they could see them more often.
33. Who were the best new people you met this year?
I love & adore all of my friends. All of them hold a special place In my heart for one reason or another. I am grateful for their continued friendships, love, & support. They make this journey that much easier. I am grateful for each & every person I can call a friend. Grateful for the power of example & that I have many wonderful examples in my life. I have loved reconnecting with friends/family thru my blog blog. I have been able to chat with people I have not seen in many years. If you stop by, leave a comment & let me know you are out there! It is so much fun & really allows me to feel connected.
34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year:
I have learned that I am ONLY ONE PERSON! I can not do it all by myself nor am I expected to. I have learned(still working on it every day) that it is okay to say NO when your plate(you know the life obligations/commitments) is too full. I have learned that my family is truly my greatest gift/treasure!
WOW! Have you ever done this Year In Review? Kind of fun & makes you really think about your year. When re-reading my answers, I could definitely tell it was a baby year at our house. I am so thankful for each of my boys & for John. They are my world.
If anything, this post it will be fun to look back on when we ring in 2009.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Making me happy!

Sunday, January 6, 2008
A Sunbeam...A Sunbeam

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Something Special

Friday, January 4, 2008
It's Raining! It's Pouring!

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Birthday Fun!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
9 Years ago today (1 hour shy)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!