I gave birth to our first born! After an all day stay@ the hospital, Tanner decided to wing his way from heaven (mind you, he was 8 days late). He arrived on Jan. 3 @ 12:32 am. He is such a blessing & we are so grateful he is ours.
Tanner is a great kid. You can usually find a smile on his face. He is a helper & a kind big brother. He is an A student & excels in all subjects. He is an awesome athlete. He is very tender hearted & reaches out to those who need a friend. He loves to read, to play soccer, to play video games, & to listen to music. He has a great sense of humor & a laugh that makes us want to laugh & giggle with him. We have so enjoyed this little man in our lives & look forward to many more of his birthdays!
Happy Birthday Dear Tanner! We love you! You better know how much I love you after posting that picture of you & I right after you were born :). So cute of you, not so cute of me-wink! Enjoy your 9th year of life!
Thanks for the book suggestions. I'm making my list. I should try the Kite Runner. My mom has it on tape but it's hard to do that when you have little ones listening too. Did you like Queen of the Big Time? I think I read the Reader's Digest version but I enjoyed it.
That's funny that Tanner was 8 days late.Too bad he wasn't the New Year's Baby with all the perks. I was hoping Levi would be born a bit early so I could have the tax break for the year before, and before the deductible for insurance started over again. :) Tanner's a handsome boy.
Love the pictures. Funny....my first born was 8 days late too. And even then she was so hard to get here. happy Birthday Tanner. Hope it's a great day!
Happy Birthday Tanner! We hope you have a great day.
Lisa P.
Happy Birthday, Tanner!!! I agree with your Mom ... about how much she must love you to post a "right after birth" picture! Raimi, you still look cute, but I know what you mean!! Oh, and yes, we're feeling better .. thanks.
Happy, Happy Birthday Tanner! I can't beleive you have a 9 year old Raimi!!!
Happy Birthday Tanner!!!
Love the pictures, those are the most precious.
I can't believe our boys are growing up.
Wow how time flies!! Happy Birthday Tanner!
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