We had Family Home evening tonight. It is going to be crazy week for me @ the scrapbook store. We are working on another VIP event. We were able to enjoy F.H.E. tonight. Our Family Home Evening lesson was on Missionaries. We had a little story about Missionaries & the importance of sharing the gospel with our friends & neighbors. Then we all wrote letters to one of our friends serving a mission in Brazil. I was telling my boys that I would write to them @ least once a week (most likely more) when they serve their missions. They smiled. You could see the wheels turning in Carter's head. He turned to John & said "and will you send me $2.00 each week"? John & I were cracking up. We are going to hold Carter to just his $2.00 each week :)! He is too funny!
Last week was our best ever FHE. We usually do it every week but last week, I put Erin in charge and it was so great. I was even telling Mike last night that today I'm putting Jenna in charge and that I am totally excited. They obviously pay better attention when they have some say in it. I'm already excited to see what she comes up with.
$2.00! That is so funny. I don't think $2.00 bought me one train ticket! It did buy a lot of pasta though, lots of energy to walk around:)
How cute is that?!! I'm thinking that the price of a stamp will be more than $2 the way things are going!
Too cute!!!!
That's how Ryan would think.
Good luck this week!!!
FHE...we are so bad at it. i am inspired. again. i will keep trying!
your kids are adorable, have i said that yet?
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