Garrett is officially a Sunbeam (it is the 3-4 year old Sunday School class). He has graduated from the Nursery. It was so cute to see those little 3 year olds in the front row this morning. Garrett's Primary teacher said that he did very well. Garrett was just so proud of himself when we picked him up @ the end of church. His teacher is the sweetest lady. I pray they don't wear her out :). When I picked Garrett up, I asked her if she was ready for a nap. She said "No, but I sure need a shower". I am pretty sure they kept her moving the entire time! I am so thankful for wonderful people who are willing to teach my children.
Go Garrett! Our little sunbeams in primary were our most reverent group the whole day. I think they were all just so excited to be there! Congrats!!!
Oh, I'm so sad we missed it. I'll have to bring my camera next week. They look so grown up!! I'm so glad they got Sister Cole!! She'll be a great teacher.
Rachel started yesterday too. She loved it. This is the first time in 6+ years that there's been no "McKea" in our nursery. I'm praying for March to come fast. Matthew needs nursery....and Mike and I need i too. Congrats Garrett! He looks so handsome.
My A started also sunbeams too. Congrats to Garrett on being a sunbeam.
Garrett did SO well yesterday. He was wide-eyed, just taking it all in. I wish I could say the same for T. He was a stinker!!!
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