Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life of a Scout

We attended a Court of Honor for all of the Scouts in our ward. These boys are all working hard AND they never cease to amaze me with what they can accomplish. They are so busy with school, homework, sports and scouting. We are very proud of Tanner. He earned/received  the LIFE scout rank tonight and 6 merit badges. Woot-Woot. He is on his way to becoming an Eagle Scout.

The Moms earn a pin each time the boys advance a rank! You know the saying "Behind every Eagle Scout is an awesome Mom"...or something close to that :-). I say "It takes a village!"
P.S. Yes, I know! Tanner is now officially taller than me-wahhhhhaaaaaa!

Carter advanced a rank too! He is now a Tender Foot. The Boy Scout program is new to him this year and he is busy working  on a few Merit badges. We are proud of him, too!