I have completed this review for the last two years & have decided to do it again. I am doing it mainly for myself :) & future posterity. It has been fun to look back & read what was important & fun in our lives. I usually work on this post for a day or two so I can sleep on my thoughts to each question. Let me know if you join in. I’d love to be in the know.
1.What did you do in 2009 that you have never done before? I volunteered to be the room Mom for Tanner’s 5th grade class & the Art Docent for Tanner & Carter’s classrooms. I have always helped in the classrooms but have not been the “room Mom”. I love it & am having a great time. I love getting to know my boys classmates better & I love hearing the children yell, “Hi Mrs. Krupp” as I walk across the campus at any given moment.
I spoke at my Grandma’s funeral back in January. I have never done that before. I represented the grandchildren. It was hard to do but I was happy to share the grand kids favorite memories of her.
p.s. I bawled through the whole thing.
2. Did you keep your 2009 New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2009? I always make resolutions at the start of each new year. Do I keep them...not really. I'm being totally honest. I have my list from last January up on my magnet board in my scrapbook room. I looked at it a few times but that was about it. I am making a new list this year & plan on doing better at keeping some of those resolutions.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2009? Nope! It was a slow year for new babies.
Looking forward to those 2010 babies…can’t wait to snuggle them.
4. Did anyone close to you die in 2009?
Yes! We started the New Year off by losing my sweet Grandma Davis at the end of January. I miss her so much! Her Dr. had wanted her to have heart surgery in Oct. of 2008. She refused and said she wanted to enjoy the holidays first. We are pretty sure she knew that it was her time to go & she wanted to enjoy her family for one last Thanksgiving & Christmas. As we sat around the dinner table at my parents house this Christmas, my Mom commented on how happy she was that we were able to enjoy one last Christmas with Grandma Davis.
5. What countries did you visit this year? None. I am
NOT the world traveler…someday.
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? More ME time so I can exercise. This is at the top of my list this year.
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? January 20, 2009. It was the day Obama took office. Again, I did not vote for him but boy was it a historic day for this country. I was glued to the TV…watching history in the making. I loved watching the President & Mrs.Obama walk down the streets, waving to the crowds on their way to the White House. I pray for President Obama often. I pray that he can lead & guide this great country.
8. What was your biggest achievement this year? Receiving wonderful reports about my children at parent/teacher conferences. Carter had an awesome parent teacher conference this year. As I sat down with his teacher, she complimented Carter & then John & myself. She said that Carter is one of those children who will go far in life. She said he has great leadership skills & is a great friend. She also went on to say that she is not sure what we are doing at home, but told us to keep it up! She made me cry. Her words were so kind & something a Mom to 4 young, crazy boys needs to hear every so often.
I took time read some books off of my "Must read list". I set a goal at the new Year to read two books a month. I took full advantage of my local library & checked out & read many books this year.

I also kept up on my scrapbooking for the year. Sure, there are a few more layouts that need to be added to my 2009 albums but for the most part Kit of the Week & Kit Club layouts kept me pretty current.
9. What was your biggest struggle this year? Using my calendar. Sounds weird but it’s true! I gave up on my calendar about midway through the year. John is so good at keeping us organized via his calendar through outlook. We are all color coordinated on his calendar. He kept us organized & going in the right direction. He was so good at it that I just gave up with mine. I missed it. If you know me, you know that I love my paper calendar. I have already purchased my 2010 calendar & have important January dates penciled in. I am back on track for the new year.
10. Did you suffer any illness or injury in 2009? The only injury suffered was that darn thumb injury that I received while pulling those darn weeds. . I never did find out what was stuck in there. About two months after my Dr. dug around in there, it finally felt normal again.
11. What was the best thing you bought this year? The Becky Higgins PROJECT LIFE kit. I can’t wait to fill my album with my "picture a day" prints.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?Garrett gets this one again, this year. He has had a fantastic school year. Due to his delayed speech at age 2-4, he got off to a slow start at the beginning of the school year (kindergarten). Due to his growth + amazing teachers = big success!
We just received his progress report before winter break & it was almost perfect. I am so proud of how hard he works each day. He loves school and his teachers have been amazing.

Tanner made the Honor Roll again this year. He is so organized & such a hard worker. He was also nominated for the baseball & basketball all star teams. He enjoyed another year playing select soccer. He works hard & it shows.

Carter also played select soccer for the first time this year & was nominated for the basketball all star team. He works hard & is very dedicated to his sports.

Brody mastered his ABC’s & can count to 20. He constantly puts a smile on my face.
13. Whose behavior disappointed you? Not airing my disappointments here on the blog. I will say that the disappointments did not come from my little,immediate family. Rather, some grown adults who need to grow up. I will leave it at that.
In the news, Tiger Woods. So sad...so disappointing!
4. Where did most of your money go? The boys sporting activities/events for sure. Every new season, we find that they need new cleats, uniforms, baseball pants, belts, shoes etc… You get the idea.
15. What did you get really excited about this year? I had many things to get excited about this year.
a. Scrapbook weekend @ the beach.

b. Girls weekend in Tahoe, so much fun!

c. Seeing WICKED in San Francisco.

d. Many family/friend trips to Lake Tahoe.

e. Tanner started taking piano lessons.
f. Seeing Brad Paisley/ Dirks Bentley in concert

g. Being released as the Activities chair (just being honest) & getting to teach the Laurels
h. Seeing New Moon on opening night.
i. The Green Tangerines Kit Club launch in Jan..

j. Designing layouts for the GTKC.

k. The Roseville 5th ward family day at the Sacramento Temple. It was wonderful.

l. Carter being baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

m. Having my friend, Free visit with us for a day this summer. It was so much fun to have her here.
16. What song will always remind you of 2009? I fell in love with a million new songs this year. I LOVE music. A few of my favorites in 2009 were:
*Black Eyed Peas – BOOM BOOM POW (Brody loves this song that’s why it is still a favorite in 2009.
*Tim McGraw - STILL
*John Mayer - Half of my Heart I Love, Love, Love the new John Mayer album. It has been on heavy rotation this month.
* THEN by Brad Paisley
*Taylor Swift Fearless album
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, much nicer or richer?
2009 has been a year filled with some serious ups & downs. I would like to think that I find the positive amongst the trials. Many tears have been shed this year. I am seriously hoping that there are more ups in 2010 than downs.
I am always striving to be NICE. I am a big believer in the saying “What goes around, comes around”. I figure if I am always nice, good things will come my way.
Again, I am probably poorer. These boys are beginning to eat us out of house/home.
18. What do you wish you had done more of? Crafting, exercising, sleeping, & spending more time with my extended family.
19. What do you wish you had done less of? worrying
20. Did you fall in love this year? Not for the first time, but over & over again with my family. I have a great deal of LOVE for each one of them. They ARE my greatest joys/treasure.
21. What was your favorite TV Program in 2008? I rarely watch TV but when I do, you can find me watching Grey’s Anatomy. I love GLEE & the Private Practice. I am still a fan of The Bachelor (I know,I know-I don't want to hear it) it is still a favorite
22. What was the best book you read this year? The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society.
Time Travelers Wife
The Help
The Shack.
**Worst book, The Poisonwood Bible.
23. What was your greatest musical discovery this past year? I LOVE music. I have to say I discovered a ton of new artist via my friend, Ms. Kinsey. She made me two awesome mixed CD’s & they were filled with a bunch of songs/artist that were new to me. They have become favorites & my go to’s in the car or when I am scrapbooking. Thanks Kinsey girl.
24. What did you want and get this year? Wonderful teachers for my boys. All three of them were blessed with fabulous teachers.
25. What was the best movie you saw this year? I enjoyed New Moon. John surprised me with tickets for the midnight showing for my birthday! It was so much fun to sit with my sweetie in the theatre for two hours & just chat. We don’t get to enjoy two hours, just the two of us, by ourselves. We giggled as the young teeny boppers spent the two hours screaming while waiting for the movie to start.
26. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn? I turned 35 this year. I am on the downward slide now -LOL. I was seriously spoiled all day long. Lots of birthday phone calls, emails, gifts & treats on my porch. My friend Jan & I went to lunch to celebrate both of our birthdays. I got my haircut & then John & the boys treated me to dinner. John made me a yummy double decker cake. It was an awesome day!
27. What would have made your year more satisfying? A trip, just John & myself.
28. How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year? The answer from last year still applies: I am a simple girl...jeans, t-shirts, hoodies & cute accessories are totally me. Don't forget the cute pair of polka dot ballet flats on occasion & I am good to go. Added in 2010, If you show up at my house at any given hour, you will most likely find me wearing an apron. I am constantly cleaning & cooking, I just wear one to protect my fancy clothes –HA!
29. What kept you sane this year? John continually keeps me grounded and SANE. I am so happy that I get to share this crazy ride with him. He is truly a HUGE blessing in my life.
30. What celebrity did you fancy the most? I saw a late night interview with John Mayer. It reminded me that I really enjoy him & his music. I have dusted off his old CD’s & rediscovered my GREAT LIKE/LOVE for his music. I am loving his new album.
31. Who did you miss this past year? I have missed my Grandma Davis. I was cleaning out my scrapbook room at the beginning of December & stumbled across her handmade Christmas card from 2008. She would hand make her cards each year. They were always interactive & wonderful. I also found a letter she had written to me right before her surgery. She said she was scared/nervous about her surgery. She knew her life was in God’s hands. She had such great faith. That was the last letter I would ever receive from her & I am so glad I found it. I miss her & think of her often.
33. Who were the best new people you met this year? Again, not any new friends. I am enjoying & loving all of the friends that I am reconnecting with on Facebook. It is so much fun to find them & catch up. I was able to find my friend Dianne K..

The last time I spoke to her was at my wedding reception. She fell off of the face of the earth…or maybe I did? I Found her on Facebook. She is still cute as ever & is married with 3 adorable children. WOW…time flies.
Again, not another new friend, but one I have gotten to know better this year. Meet my wickedly talented friend, Mer.

I love running into Green Tangerines and finding her in the digital studio,behind her computer screen. She is the crazy pants behind all of our GT marketing. She is brilliant. She is such a good Mom, Wife, and friend. Mer is one who always has your best interest at heart. She is always so good about asking about my boys & wanting to know what’s new in their world. I love her & am happy to count her as one of my dear friends.
p.s. she is expecting one of those new babies in 2010…can’t wait to snuggle her little peanut.
I truly am grateful/thankful for the wonderful friends who I have been blessed with in my life. I count my lucky stars for all of them.
34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year: I have learned that in order to take care of my family & my many other obligations, I have to take care of myself. That saying “If Mama ain’t happy, nobody is happy” is so true. I have been trying really hard to go to bed at a decent hour & start my day off with prayer. It has made a big difference in my little world.
Whew...that was a lot for one post. It was fun to re-read my answers from last year. It is a great way to record my year, in one spot. Give it a try...you'll be happy to have it recorded…something to look back on & see where I have improved & where I still need help! I hope each & every one of you have a Happy, Healthy, & Safe New Year. May 2010 bring you LOVE, HAPPINESS, & great JOY!