1). indoor soccer
Tanner & Carter just started another session of indoor soccer. I was very hesitant to even start this in the 1st place. John signed them up for the 1st session w/out telling me. We did not need one more activity on the calendar. I am apologizing to John right here & now :-). I will admit that indoor soccer has been a blast to watch. The boys are enjoying it & so am I.
2). my "FUN" socks
I love "FUN" socks, especially on cold, rainy days.
3). baby Thickers
I am in LOVE! Oh my goodness, my scrapbooking friends who know me well, know that I LOVE Thickers. I have a fun collection of them...different fonts, colors, sizes & textures. Look at what I found @ Green Tangerines, baby Thickers. These are the smallest Thickers you can buy right now. These are my absolute favorite scrapbooking product (right now). Run & get some...before I buy them ALL -LOL!
4). family time
We drove down to my parents house last Sunday to have dinner & birthday cake with my Mom. She celebrated her birthday on the 20th & we helped her extend her special day a few days longer. I love this picture. The grand kids were so excited to sing happy birthday, help blow the candles out & then grab a few candles to lick the frosting off of -LOL. Good times.
5). girl scout cookies
Ummmm, yeah. I have been enjoying these little things way too much! Some of our favorites: John, Carter, & Garrett love the Thin Mints, Tanner Loves the Lemonades(new to our house this year, so new that I had to hunt down some GS today in the Raley's parking lot-LOL) & I love the Carmel delights & well, Mr. Brody will eat any that he can get his hands.

6). facebook
It is a time-sucker on the computer...but it sure is fun! I have loved catching up with childhood friends, high school pals, & friends from college. Are you on facebook? Add me if you haven't already!
What did you enjoy this week?