Monday, February 2, 2009

project 365


Pretty self explanatory or in other words...woot-woot!
I stood in line @ the school starting @ 6:30 am this morning.
I had to make sure we got Garrett a spot in the kindergarten class this Fall.
He can't wait...neither can I.


Julie@My5monkeys said...

I know that feeling too.Got my A's for fall too.

Erin Corbridge said...

6:30! You are one dedicated mother! We were there a couple of hours later. Glad to get that over with. Here's to hoping we get our choice of AM/PM.

Laurie said...

You cheered and I CRIED! I got teary when talking to our school scretary! I can't believe we will have no babies at home anymore!

Raimi said...

I still have one home with me!

katie said...

Is there a limited number of slots available? I've never heard of that before. Preschool, yes. I had to call last october to get Rachel in for this coming october. Congrats on the milestone!

erin said...

Hurray Raimi, Garrett will have so much fun getting to be "big" and go to school with his brothers.