chicken dinner (had to steal that from Mer-thanks Mer). So I am a day late posting our winners. Hope you'll forgive me. I have been trying to catch up on life, namely sleep. I helped out with inventory down @ Green Tangerines on Monday night. I started @ 5 pm & got home & 5 am. It goes fast when you work with some amazing girls! Fun to catch up & giggle with lovely friends. It is amazing what fun, little, yellow post it notes can add to an evening...uuummm Mer & kinsey were hilarious...covered from head to toe in Yellow post it notes. i don't think they will ever give up those photos. I would love to have one for my blog-LOL! I've been busy wrapping up the final details for the church Christmas party. I will be breathing easy Saturday evening @ about 10 pm...can't wait! Enjoyed a fun evening with the girls last night,. We played Bunko! Thanks for hosting Steph!
Thanks for sharing your December favorites, I loved reading them! I am not going to make you wait any longer, and the winners are....

Congrats ladies! I will pop your surprises in the mail. You can thank Garrett for the lucky draw! Morgan, can you please email your address to
Cute picture of Garrett. I didn't get a chance to enter into the contest -- so busy. Darn. I loved reading about all of the traditions.
I love your contests just so I can see what others have to share. Thanks! I can't wait to hear how your party goes, being activities chair is a calling that I don't miss! Even though it was tonz of fun!
Great contest Raimi. Good luck with your ward party tomorrow. Ours is tomorrow also...Breakfast with Santa. Bright and early. One of my friends is in charge and I feel really bad for her.
By the way....i love your new playlist.
Oooh, thank you Raimi (and Garrett)! I hope your ward party goes well - I am sure it will!
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