I didn't start my day out feeling this way! I went to grab the mail today. You know, that happy spot during the month of December. I was going through the mail & enjoying all of the cute Christmas cards/photos from family & friends. I got to one envelope & it was addressed to our family in a mans handwriting, with no return address. I proceeded to open it to find the Christmas card envelope that I had addressed earlier this month. It still had our return address label on it & everything. It was just the front of the envelope (does that make sense?). On the very bottom of the envelope was a note that read "Unfortunately Janet died July 11th, 2008". My heart sunk & I began to cry. Janet was our cute little neighbor that lived in the apartments where we lived (until tanner was 3)as newlyweds. She was not married & did not have any children. We passed Janet's home every time we went to get our mail at the cluster box. She would always come out & say HI. She always saved the cars/toys for Tanner & Carter that she got in her cereal boxes. She was a sweet lady! Just feeling a little blue that it took sending a Christmas card to find out that she had passed away.
In happier news, this is what greeted us @ preschool pick up today.

Garrett informed us that this was a Christmas hat for himself or that it could be a hat for our Christmas tree! So cute & so funny!
I must have been a good girl this year! Look what arrived via the FedEx guy yesterday! YIPEEE...an early Christmas present from Santa.

I have been working/blogging/emailing from our old home computer. I would literally turn it on & go take a shower or go vacuum my house while I waited for it to load/warm up. It sounds funny but true! It was painful. Now I can blog & post in no time!
Hope you day has been warm & happy! It is so cold here! I don't think the temperature has hit 50 degrees yet-bbbrrrrr!
sorry to hear about your neighbor. But love the new christmas gift.
Sorry to hear about your neighbor, too. That's the kind of news that just punches you in the gutt.
Love the RED laptop! I think I would have taken a sledgehammer to the previous one -- I have no patience when the computers run slow like that -- like our last laptop. It was about to get tossed out the window!! You look GREAT, by the way ...
Whohoo for the new faster speedier computer! RED!
Sorry about your neighbor. I have had so many people tell me this week about people passing away...sad
So sorry to hear about your neighbor. giving you a hug right now.
and now I am jumping up and down for you and your new computer....
Hey computer elves...send me on in orange!
Hi, Raimi! We were so excited to find you through Brooke's blog! How's the photography business going? LOL. So sorry about your neighbor.
This will be a fun way to keep in touch. Are you guys still in Sac?
So sorry about your friend and neighbor, but just think who she gets to spend Christmas with this year!!
Love the hat and the computer. Laptops make it so much easier to blog and stuff.
Not 50 degrees yet! Wow - We will be luck to make it to 25 today and we are expecting a high around 17 over the weekend! Hope you have a wonderful green Christmas!
Sorry about your friend. Not fun news. However, that red laptop looks really, really good on you!
So sorry about your neighbor. You look more fantastic in each post BTW! Wow. Look at your cute self w/ the snazzy new red computer. Looking forward to all your new speedy posts!
awww, so sorry to hear about janet...she sounds like a sweet sweet lady.
soooo, when are you bringing in your red one so we can do a 'dell-y christmas' picture with our green and red ones?
Yikes, I would hate to get a returned Christmas card in the mail like that. So sad! Love the early Christmas present, fun! And enjoy your warm weather. We've had a major cold spell too. One day it didn't get warmer than 10 degrees and that's way unusual even for Colorado...that is where we live in CO.
I sooo LOVE the RED laptop!! Lucky girl, you deserve it.
Sorry to hear about your nieghbor, That's always hard.
I'm sorry to hear about your sweet little friend. You are very thoughtful to send her a card every year. And can I say that you look fabuloso! Are you still losing weight???? Way to go girl!
what an exciting christmas gift for yourself! It is even in red. Merry christmas to you1
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