1. Dream Vacation I don't have any pictures of New York & I am too lazy to find some off the net right now. I want to travel to NYC. I want to see & take in all of the sights & sounds. I wan to see a Broadway play, ride the subway, visit the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, ride in a yellow taxi, eat @ all the yummy restaurants. see the Empire State building, Central Park. You know... all of the touristy stuff. Someday....
2. Self Portrait: Man, I knew I should have put some make up on this morning before I left the house. I did curl my hair though...but that is as far as i got this morning. I have been busy cleaning & doing laundry all day. I took this picture in the bathroom mirror after I snapped a photo of the bathroom (see #8).

3. What are the kids doing?: Tanner & Carter have been out front for about 3 hours playing with the neighbor boy. They go between our house & the neighbors. He moved in last summer & it has been the best thing for my boys. Finally, someone their age to play with. Garrett & John are getting two new tires put on the Tahoe right now. It is just me & my little shadow. He was acting so sweet & snuggling on the couch with me.

4. My Closet: I am mortified to show this picture. My closet is a disaster. I won't even show you John's side. Had I been able to clean & organize, I would have refolded all of my jeans & organized all the stuff that has been thrown up on that shelf over the last six months. I do like to hang my clothes on the white hangers & I hang them in color families, not necessarily in the ROYGBIV order. The black & browns are towards the front because I wear lots of those colors, I guess. If I had taken a picture of the floor, you would have seen my shoes nicely stacked on my shoe shelves, shopping bags that need to be discarded & scrapbooks. I have about 5 completed albums in my closet , about 7 more in the linen closet & about 6 in my scrapbook room. They are just waiting for a shelf of their very own.

5. Favorite Room: With out a doubt, my favorite room is my scrapbook room. Again, another room that I am wishing had been cleaner today. On most days, everything is in it's spot. Right now I have piles & boxes that need to be unloaded. Things are organized by color (my paper, my eyelets, flowers, buttons, ribbon, etc...) I purchased these super cool school year kits & I have been going thru all of the boys school pictures, awards, art work (by school year), etc... I love that I have a room for my hobby/passion. I love that I can shut the door & little hands can't touch my stuff.

6. Favorite Shoes: Need I say more? They are black with polka dots. These shoes make me happy.

7. Laundry room: What does this room say about us? It says that we use Tide detergent & that I need to unload that bag of baby clothes that have been sitting on the dryer for oh... about 3 weeks. See that red key, hook thingy. I have had it for about 2 years & the tag is still on it. I wasn't sure I was going to like it or keep it. I guess it is time to cut the tag off. I love it. We hang our canvas bags on the hooks. I am trying to do my part with the going GREEN thing. This room has the dirtiest floor in the house (notice there is no picture of the floor). We rarely use our front door. We walk from the garage, through the laundry room into the house. As the vinyl saying on our wall reads: "Laundry room...drop your drawers here", the boys really do just strip down in the laundry room & drop their stuff right into the washer. I am thankful for this room especially during the heavy sport season (soccer, baseball, & basketball). Better to have the dirt fall in one place rather than through out the rest of the house.

8. Bathroom: You get to see the boys bathroom. I happened to have cleaned theirs this morning, thank heavens! I will spare you the photos of my bathroom, the piles of laundry waiting to be washed. This was the very first room we painted when we moved in. I found all of the whale stuff at Pottery Barn Kids. John did an awesome job painting the waves on the walls(didn't take the photo @ the right angle for you to see the waves). I clean this room twice a day. With four boys, I am probably not doing it enough.

**I could not get a good shot (lighting) of this room or my fridge for some reason???
9. Kitchen sink: Not much to the sink. I clean it daily. I always have a bottle of Bath & Body anti -bacterial hand soap sitting there. I like that I have a view into the family room while washing dishes. I can keep an eye on the boys while they are playing. I did not get around to washing the knife I used to cut the crust off the boys sandwiches & there sits the bowl we used to make brownies-mmmmmm!

10. The Fridge: This is what I call the the HUB of our home. On the outside of our fridge, we have photos of the people we love, magnets that are special to us, reminders of things that need to be done or places we need to go. It is also a place where the boys put things that they are proud of, works of art & awards. Um yeah! You can also see that it is time to go shopping. If you look hard enough, you can see the empty Go-Gurt box that some one left in there (the story of my life, empty containers). We buy two kinds of milk right now. Garrett will tell you the red lid is for Brody (whole milk) & that the blue lid is for the rest of us. The one good thing that came from having the flu last month was that I don't drink as much Diet Coke as I used to. It didn't taste very good for a few good weeks after being so sick. There are some days that I don't even have one, yeah me!! I still keep a 12 pack on hand... just in case I really do need one. The inside of the fridge door is a wreck. Any time the fridge door opens, Brody will run as fast as he can & see what he can grab. Some of his favorites are Soy Sauce, BBQ sauce, pickles, etc... So any time he gets one, it is shoved up on one of the higher shelves. Pretty soon, those bottom shelves will be totally empty.

Okay, that was scary & fun all rolled into one! It is truly a day in the life of the K's. It's our life & our home & we love it. I am tagging Jacque, Erin C., Barb, Amy K., Eve (it can be one of your 1st posts), Shelly. Oh heck, you are ALL tagged. I would love to see this post once you've blogged it. Keep me posted. Good luck, have fun, & NO CLEANING!
LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! i REALLY love how you quoted me LOL sneaky, clever, funny. yes the person who tagged me was mean, i had to pass it on making me mean and GUESS what?!? now YOU are mean too neener neener!!
love the bathroom, WAY too cute. i love the vinyl lettering in the laundry room and i love love big red puffy heart L O V E the pic of the baby...oh my goodness...my heart is melting!
i am totally jealous over a whole room devoted to a craft you love!
i am glad you did it...WE are brave!
Raim, your messy or unorganized is my clean. Thanks for sharing. I love your scrapbook room.
Okay, Raimi -- am I really tagged! I will do my best to do that next week. But you gotta give me a week girl to get it done! I am so jealous of your scrapbook room! I so so so love it!
What a brave woman you are! I am just now peeking around the blogs. I was really busy Friday & Saturday. Maybe I'll be brave to do this tag tomorrow! Hmmm ... I'm just wonderin' how my sink looks right now...
Shoot...i may have to do this. My fridge is really empty right now so it might be a good time. You always seem sooo put together. How do you do it?
Yikes! My name was here! I did it though. Your place is cute. Not fair. :)
luv ya!
You are way more brave than I am! I loved the pictures. I WISH my kids bath looked so tidy. It is a constant battle with that room. All I can say is add a 14 yr old girl to the mix and watch out! What a mess! EEK.
Okay I guess since you named me by name I show do this. Or maybe you know another Barb? Anyway check out our blog, I took the challenge and lived.
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