As I have thought about our conversation with this set of grandparents last night, I have come to the conclusion that I need to record our families favorite recipes & get them into one spot. I want my boys to have copies of the things they loved while growing up in our home. I am thinking I need to compile a book. Not just a book, but one that is scrapbooked. I am going to include pictures of the finished recipe & include those too. We have a Recipe Album class coming up at the end of June at Green Tangerines. I think I just might take this class to get this project started. Tonight, I will share with you the first recipe that is going in our book. I have to thank my dear friend, Meridee for this one- I hope it is okay to share your recipe Mer? It is her Caramel Corn recipe. My boys ask for it all the time, especially when they know that we have Marshmallows in the house. The first time we enjoyed her Caramel corn was when her hubby was our Home Teacher. He showed up one Sunday evening to visit our family. I knew Meridee was out of town & Joe showed up with a plate of Popcorn (caramel) balls. I was surprised & asked him if he had made them? He proudly said "Yes". Okay, I have to tell you that not only did he make them himself, but he put them on a plate, wrapped in cellophane & tied it with a raffia bow. Wow-what a guy! He's been our favorite Home Teacher ever since. You will love this recipe. It is so yummy & so easy to make. It has that great sweet/salty combination.
Here is Meridee's Caramel Corn Recipe:

2 bags of microwave popcorn (Meridee uses low fat, we use the butter kind)
1 c. of Brown sugar
1 cube of butter
14 large marshmallows.
Pop your popcorn in the microwave. Remove as many of the un-popped kernels as you can & place in bowl.
On the stove, melt your butter, brown sugar, & marshmallows. It should take about 6-7 minutes (don't rush it). Once it's all melted, I let it simmer for about 30 seconds (don't boil it).
Pour marshmallow mixture over your popcorn & use a spoon to coat. Enjoy
*You can make popcorn balls with this recipe too. I just spray my hands with Pam cooking spray & roll popcorn mixture into balls once it has cooled a little.
Sometimes you don't think about how valuable a family recipe is until you cannot find it. My mom lost most of her recipes with one of her moves from Saudi. Luckily, between us 5 kids, we were able to salvage most of her recipe collection. Since then, I've been putting my recipes into a computer file. It's slow-going, but SO worth it. I hadn't thought of a scrapbook/recipe book. I'm doing good just getting them typed onto a 4 x 6 card! Also, it makes sharing recipes really simple! PS: LOVE the carmel popcorn recipe.
It's me again! I'm also in the process of typing up all of my mother-in-laws's recipes for the family. What a treasure!!
I'm so glad you like the recipe. We make it a lot! I know I need to be more organized with my recipes-thanks for the inspiration!
That looks yummy! Thanks for sharing.
Awesome idea!! I would love to take that class! I feel like making the carmel corn now, but since I am the only one home, I would eat it all. And I would!
Thanks for sharing this!
I made it last night for my family - and they LOVED it!
Would be great for Halloween Boo's or neighborhood Christmas - maybe in place of cookies. Or even to make a batch and take up to the school for the teachers!
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