Today is Garrett's 4th birthday! He came into my room this morning & asked
the standard, every day question: "Where's my Dad"? My standard reply is
"at work"! He is such a Daddy's boy! Then I said "Happy Birthday bud"! His
eyes got huge & he said "it's my birthday, I'm 4"? The day has finally come!
He has been talking about his party(the one that was not planned) all month.
Not wanting to disappoint him, I called two of his best buds, parents last night
& arranged to pick them up this morning. We headed over to the McDonald's
Play Land where we enjoyed lunch & ice cream. It was perfect morning for
those three boys. They ran, jumped & played for 2 hours straight. Now Garrett
is counting the hours down till the rest of the family gets home. He is excited &
anxious about opening his presents & eating cake. He asks if it is time to open
presents oh about every 5 minutes. It is going to be a LONG afternoon-LOL!
Happy birthday sweet boy! You are a smart, wonderful little boy! We love your
spunk & all of the joy & sass you add to our family. Happy birthday chicken :)!
T had a blast today!! Thanks for taking him to McD's. Glad he could celebrate with Garrett on his birthday. I'm so glad our boys have each other.
Happy Birthday, Garrett, 'chicken'!!! BTW: T specifically picked out that pack of cars for Garrett. He was VERY insistent about it.
Happy Birthday Garrett! 4 is a great age-- especially when you have Raimi as a Mom -- You lucky boy!
4! Really? I remember being at your house 4 years ago when you were waiting for Garrett to enter this world. You took such good care of my family that afternoon and your house was spotless. Really, nine month pregnant women shouldn't be doing stuff like that. But thanks. Happy birthday Garrett!
Happy 4th birthday Garrett! Hope you had a great day.
Happy birthday Garrett! Do you know that you have the best Mom in the entire world? Hope you enjoy your day,celebrations, buds and of course PRESENTS!!!
Hugs, Free
I have not blogged in a while, thanks for stopping by, They grow up so fast. Happy birthday Garrett. How is summer going? I hope it's relaxing!
CUTE boys!!
sounds like a fun day!
Happy birthday! Those four years just flew by!
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