Another busy weekend. The big news at our house this weekend is that Carter lost another tooth. He is missing his two front teeth & it looks so cute. This boy let his loose tooth just dangle there for about two days. It drives me bananas. I always offer to pull them. He never takes me up on my offer. We are happy it is out! Now if that forgetful Tooth Fairy will remember to come tonight. She probably forgot because she was just @ our house-eeeekkkkkk!
Tanner & Carter had basketball games this weekend. Both games were rough for both teams. They lost. It was Tanner's teams first loss of the season. The other team we played was very physical & it left the boys on our team frustrated & defeated.
Garrett was playing out in the back on Friday. Tanner & Carter came running in the house saying "Garrett just fell in the mud". He was crying but as soon as he saw my camera he started smiling & giggling. Had to get a picture for the blog - wink! Life with boys!
And Brody....well he is just so fun & cute. He fell asleep during Carter's basketball game. He normally loves to watch the game. His head will move from left to right the entire game. I guess he just wasn't into this game. He loves to play chase with John & the boys. They will get down on all fours & chase him. He giggles the whole time.
John & I attempted to go see a movie for our date night last night. John stood in line to buy tickets. I ran inside to get drinks & popcorn. My line was moving faster. I had paid for everything when John came to find me to tell me that the movie was sold out. We tried to buy tickets to another movie & it was sold out too. We were able to get our money back & leave our treats behind. . We went to Chili's for dessert & then did our grocery shopping. Not quite the date night we had envisioned but it was nice to get out without the kids. So far, we have kept our New Years resolution for our monthly date night.
The countdown is on. 4 days till I leave for the beach. I am so looking forward to my scrapbook weekend. Lots of scrapbooking, good friends, good food, fun music, & lots of chatting. I CAN'T WAIT.
We hope you had a great weekend.
I'm so jealous, I can't wait to see all your pages. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
well atleast you guys kept your date night. that is awesome!! i need to insist on the same thing, dates are good.
I LOL when I saw the picture of Garrett covered in mud. Too funny! I know you'll have fun @ the beach this weekend. I'll be sure to bring back your quickcut.
Looks like a fun weekend! I am so jealous you are doing a girls weekend. I love those!!! Have fun!
Love the toothless smile and muddy face. Wish I was going to a beach.
The tooth fairy must be way too busy now days, because she has skipped our house on more than one occasion. You have such handsome boys.
thats so great that you have a monthly date night.
Oh my goodness..how did I even find your blog! This is Ashley (Johanson)Henry. Your boys are so adorable. We had our first little boy right around when you had your littlest. Boys are the best!
You were the best babysitter and it looks like you are an even better mom!!
I just wanted to let you know our blog address is thehenryheart.blogspot.com
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