Happy February! I hope it is off to a great start.
We attended the annual Pinewood Derby last night for our Pack. My boys had a great time. Tanner did not win the over all race but he sure did have a great time running his car down the track. As we walked into the house last night, Tanner commented on how much fun he had & that it was okay that he didn't win. That one comment did this Mama's heart proud to know that he knew it was all about having fun & not all about winning. This years theme was Car Show. He drew a pencil sketch of what he wanted. John created the actaul shape for him using the power tools & then Tanner sanded, painted & even put the graphite on the wheels. He was proud of his car & I am proud that he worked on it himself with some guidance from Dad. He received the CLASSIEST CAR AWARD.
There was even a siblings race that Carter participated in. Carter used a car that my Grandpa (his Great Grandpa who passed away before he was even born) had designed for one of my brothers. The car had never been used. It was shaped but that was about it. Carter painted it red(his favorite color). Carter & Daddy added some weights to it. Carter took first place in all of the sibling heats except one. I am so glad they let the siblings participate, it gets them excited about the Scouting program. He was having such a great time. He can't wait to be a Scout next year. Our goal next year is to be working on the cars way before the actual race, right John (WINK- WINK)?
You mean its not all about winning??? I'm kidding! I think that's great. Tanner looks really happy.
i NEVER miss the pinewood derby...and i have never been a den mother or had a son in scouts.
my dad and brother use to win every year when we were kids and my dad always helped me make a car too (pink with sparkles of course)
You sure have some cute boys, and sweet ones too! I am glad they had fun. I remember those days with my brother, except I'm pretty sure he always wanted to win!! I'm glad they have scouts, it is great for them.
Way to go, Tanner. Great attitude! You are a great example.
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