My Mom is the best! She is kind, happy, smart, creative, generous, so talented, true to her beliefs, gifted, & fun! I am so thankful to have her in my life. She has not only touched the lives of her family & friends but all those that she comes in contact with. She is always doing something kind for someone else. Whether is is delivering treats to neighbors, helping friends make baby quilts for their grandkids, or holding an accident victims head for the parmedics (because the paramedic in training isn't ready for such a sight), or taking dinner to a sick friend. She is amazing! She has worked for the YWCA in the Rape Crisis Center for more than 25 years. It takes somebody special to deal with those sorts of things day in & day out. She has a big heart that overflows with compassion! I want to be just like her when I grow up!
Today we CELEBRATE you & are thinking of you! We hope you take time to celebrate YOU today! We love you! Happy Birthday!
Raimi, John, & boys
Please help me wish my Mom a special Happy Birthday! She is 50 something today & I think it would be cool if we could get close to that many birthday wishes/posts!
Happy Birthday Aunt Sandy (even though I know you're my cousin). I can't believe you're 29 today! You look great. I have many, many memories of coming to cali each year. Truly those are some of my most favorite childhood memories. Like the time you almost got in a fight with some man because he was beating his child in the Esprit parking lot in S.F. And the time you tried to make homemade syrup. That was classic. The time Annie fell and broke her arm but you and my mom were too comfy laying on your bed talking that neither of you believed that she was seriously hurt. Apparently it was some great, deep conversation.
We hope you have a great day.
Love Mike and Katie
by the way.....could my kids be invited to next grandkid sleepover? Somethings wrong with my parents and they don't think that would be fun.
"Birthdays are good for you, the more you have, the longer you live." -anon
Happy Birthday Sandy!
Wish I could be there to celebrate! I hope you have a fun filled day!
Miss you!
Amy & Jay :)
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you & I hope your birthday is as special as you are!
Happy, happy birthday! It has been a long time since I have actually seen you at the old Memories store. I always enjoyed seeing you. Have a wonderful day - your day. Do something special just for you! Hope you are well.
Free Draga
Happy Happy Birthday to you Sandy!
I hope you have a wonderful day! You deserve it. I've always heard such incredible, beautiful and kind things about you. What an amazing person you are!
Love Kathy's sister,
Mom we would like to wish you a Happy Happy Birth Day! We love you so very much and hope you have a wonderful day filled with tons of love, laughter and joy. We love you Mom! Love the Gatewoods
Hi Mom,
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and get everything you wish for. You are a wonderful person and are loved by everyone, i want you to know that i have the utmost respect for you and what you stand for.
I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, i hope you have a great day and don't work too hard remember its your birthday!
I Love You,
Tyson(sorry didn't have a Google account so i used Brandon's. :)
Happy birthday Sandy hope you have a great day love Regina and the boys (sommer's friend)
Happy Birth Day Sandy! I know Sommer wrote a message from our family but I wanted to wish you a Happy Birth Day my self. You are the best mother in law a person could have. I also wanted to know how it feels to be 18?
: ) Love ya Dee
Happy Birth Day Sandy! We hope you have a great day. Julie And Anthony
Sommer's neighbors
Happy Birthday Cuz,
I just wanted to wish you a very happy day! You have always been someone that I've looked up to and wanted to be like. So sweet and thoughtful to everyone and such a great mom and grandma. You are truely a special person in my life and I hope that you have the special day that you deserve and a wonderful year ahead full of fun, family and friends. I love you and hope to see you soon. Love your cuz, Faith
Sandy, Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day and hope you are doing well. Love, Ken Adams
ditto to what katie said! i laughed and laughed reading the memories! loved the syrup...scared to death of you when you yelled at that man...poor, poor annie! this is silly but lilacs always remind me of you simply because you cut some off your tree right before church and used them for a decor. you commented on how much you loved their smell. just my own little memory of you.
hope your day is great and the coming year even better!
love, liz, shawn, anna and mikey
Roses are red, Violets are blue...It's Sandys Birthday, so this blogs for you!!! Hope you have a great birthday, in the sun, without snow, where it's warm, temp. above 30!!! Take care
Love Dan & Nichole and many, many kids:)
Happy Birthday Sandy! We love you! You are such a wonderful aunt! We love family events and have many great memories with you! You are an amazing woman that I admire sooooo much!
Love ya!
Many Birthday wishes to you! You are truly a beautiful person inside and out!!! I am so very lucky to have you as my cousin, you have been the rock for my family in several occasions, what would we have done without you???!!
I hope you are treated like a Queen today!
Happy Birthday!
Love and hugs,
Cousin Christie
Happy birthday Raimi's mom! To know your daughter is to love her - good work. You must be an exceptional mother. Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Sandy!!!
Everything Raimi said about you was 100% true. You deserve to have a happy happy birthday!
Love, Annie & Family
hey it's MY mom's birthday tooooo!!
happy birthday to your mom!
this was a beautiful tribute!
Happy B-Day Grandma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for being a fun Grandma!!!!!!!!Love,Tanner
Happy birthday! I love you Grandma!
You've had a birthday; shout "Hooray!"
We want to sing to you today.
One year older and wiser, too,
Happy birthday to you!
(Sung with love by the Deakin girls)
Have a great birthday!
Matt, Michelle, Anna, Sarah and Emily Deakin
Happy Birthday Sandy. I hope you have a great day today. It's amazing to see how mother & Daughter are alike. You are so busy and your time management skills have been transfered to my wife. I enjoy your dedication to your family and your love you show them and me every day.
Have Randy give you a back rub and a nice bubble bath for your Birthday.
Your son-in-law. John
Hope this is not left twice.....
wishing you a very happy Birthday to my favorite daughter-in-law. we will get together soon for a celebration.
Your favorite mother-in-law
Happy birthday!!
We just celebrated my grandfathers 82nd, so you're a spring chicken. what a great time of year to have a birthday. My daughters is next week.
enjoy your day,
Raimi's friend, Lisa H.
sandy, just a daylate, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU!! ditto to what katie and liz wrote..what fun times we've had. I'm soooo lucky to have married into the family and got to know you! I feel as close to you as i do my own sister. We've had some GREAT talks. thanks for all of them and not judging! wish jm still worked for delta..well maybe just an airline so i could come see you MORE often! Have a wonderful year! Love YOU! rhonda and jim
Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a great one. You have a wonderful family!
A day late...oh well. Happy Birthday Sandy! And yes, I always think of you as my Aunt also:) We hope your day was spectacular!!! And, we hope to see you all soon!!
Annie and Dan
I agree...I think Sandy is an amazingly sweet woman. And I'm so glad to know her! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I've heard so much about you from Raimi. Hope you have a fabulous birthday.
Happy Birhdy to Raimis mom!
50 is a big deal, you have so much life left to live and it seems like kyou have done great so far, Rami is great. And Raimi, you said you wanted to be like your mom when you grow up and I think your on your way cause your pretty amazing too!
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