I am honestly not sure if this month went by too fast or too slow...mixed emotions about June. There is one thing I do know for sure and that is that the month of June was packed with fun things for our family.
One funny, sweet man(James Lambert), married to an even sweeter lady,passed away this week.
Two weddings...happy for the happy couples (Williams and Holmes).
Three books read(Shanghai Girls, Every last One, Sing You Home). I love Summer and the opportunity to read a little bit more.
Four layouts created.
Five cards(graduation)created.
Seven birthday candles on Garrett's birthday cake.
Nine Summer to do activities have been checked off of our list.
Ten new songs downloaded from itunes.
Twelve(9-10 yr.old) bleach their hair in honor of carrying on an All Star tradition.
Fourteen blog posts recorded this month.
Twenty Three days/hours logged at Fitness MD...I did not miss a day(M-F, plus one Saturday).
Twenty Eight days of Summer vacation have been enjoyed thus far.
Thirty days captured Project Life style(a photo to represent each day).
Fifty One pounds down.
Fifty Six seconds shaved off of my 1.5 mile run at Fitness MD.
Fifty Seven.Seventy Five miles walked this month.
HaPpY SuMmEr