Our Summer is off to a great start. They boys have been busy with baseball practices, All Star tryouts, movies, birthdays, soccer camps, a Summer job(for Tanner)...it is never too early to earn your own $. Our favorite activities thus far have included a little of this
and a little of that.
We have driven past this Shaved Ice shack several times this Summer. We finally stopped today and the boys were in heaven. So far, they have given the Root Beer and Pink Bubble Gum flavors two thumbs up.
What has made your Summer great so far?
Raimi, WHERE is that shave ice trailer? I need to go as soon as possible.
I have been waiting for one of those trailers!! Where is it? And good job to Carter for the double play!!
Our city does a thing here where they show a different movie in different parks every other week on a huge big screen. It's all free, you just take your junk and blankets. Last week was the Justin Bieber movie. It was so fun being outside and being together. TONS of little/teenage girls....poor Matthew.
The weather here has been abnormally perfect. Today the high is 70. Sheesh.
We've been enjoying Summer Camp, Photography Club and cruising around town. I think those other pesky responsibilities need to take summer off and let us play more.
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