Our mission today was to spoil John rotten. We wanted the day to be all about him. We made him breakfast in bed. Spoiled him with handmade cards and fun gifts. We supplied him with his favorite beverage. We baked him yummy treats. We let him relax all day long...he didn't lift a finger. I was a a little nervous about the menu that I had planned for the day. All of the recipes/meals(from start to finish) were new to our family and I wasn't sure if that had been a good idea on my part. I am happy to report that everything was a hit. I will share those recipes over the next few days.
We are so thankful for John and the Daddy/Husband that he is. He is our provider. He is our comedian. He is our best friend. He is our rock. He is our protector. He is our cheer leader. He is our soft place to land at the end of our days. We are so lucky to have him in our lives.

Happy Father's Day, John. Thanks for all you do! We love you!
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