We had heard that the Roseville Press Tribune had a little blurb about the boys, WLL Padres team and their BIG win last Saturday, in this weeks paper! I was able to track the paper down today. While we were happy to see this fun photo of the dog pile that happened after Carter caught that line drive and made a double play = 3 outs. Carter is on the bottom of the dog pile and you can see Tanner running in from the left to join them. The only bummer part of the article is that the photographer/staff writer gave Carter's teammate(the 3rd baseman) credit for the play and NOT Carter. Oh well, we are happy to have one more photo for the scrapbook from that exciting game/win. GOOOOOOOOO Padres.
p.s. Carter stayed up till midnight on Tuesday to wait and check the WLL site to see if he made the All Star team. He did indeed make it. He has been on cloud 9 since and we are thrilled for him. We hear that the All Star team tradition is for the entire team to bleach their hair blond! I will keep you posted.
Yea Krupp Boys!
Congrats to Carter. I love that picture!
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