Date night with my sweetie! We are getting pretty good at our self portraits:-).John surprised me with tickets to see the midnight showing (12:08 am to be exact) of Eclipse(part of the Twilight saga). How fun is that? I don't know of too many guys who would make plans to take their S.O. to a midnight showing of Eclipse. I know it wasn't his 1st, 2nd, or 3rd(you get the picture)choice to see...but he knew it would make me happy. I love him even more for being so thoughtful! We made an evening out of it and hit Outback for dinner. We then made our way over to the theatre. We got there at about 9:30 and had to sit in the parking lot until 11:30 pm with a bunch of wild and excited teenagers. John was definitely out numbered...way more ladies at this movie. I loved the movie & thought this one was way better than Twilight and New Moon. There was lots of action & the love story was great too...two thumbs up from me. Another fabulous date night for the books. Wonder what we'll do next?