If you are looking for another worthy cause to support, this is it. This family needs all of the love and support they can get right now. An auction is being held starting tomorrow in behalf of this sweet family. The mother of this family is a long time friend of my families. Our families grew up together and ran in the same circles (church, school, community). Here is a little bit of background information that I received from Jean's sister, Melinda.
Dear Friends!
Some of you already know.. and some may just learn of this through my message... my sister Jean's husband Kerry was in an ATV accident while on a trip with his sons down in Moab, Utah on April 16th. Kerry dropped approx 15 feet off trail, he and the ATV rolled down the hill. His son did not see exactly what happened but quickly got his Dad's side (Kerry wasn't breathing) and opened his airways. His other son and a family friend were able to move Kerry, stabilize his neck, and work on getting some rescue help to the remote area. Some hikers who had a GPS beacon were able to "beacon" their position for help and a rescue helicopter was able to get to them. The boys kept Kerry alert and as comfortable as possible until help arrived, this was a 3 1/2 hr ordeal in Moab. Kerry was life flighted to Grand Junction, CO where he had spinal stabilization surgery.
Kerry remained in ICU in Grand Junction with a spinal injury at the Cervical 6 & Cervical 7 level, which is up in the neck. He was able to get the ventilator out the morning after the stabilization surgery. Kerry received great care in Grand Junction but it was a hardship on Jean & the kids... the hospital is located 5 hrs from their home in Provo, UT. The timing was especially tricky since one son is leaving on a mission (tomorrow) and the other is leaving into the military (next Tuesday). They also have 2 other kids, another son on a mission in the Philippines and a daughter who is a junior in high school.
By what can only be divine intervention, the insurance company approved a transfer from the ICU in Grand Junction to the ICU at the University Hospital (Univ of Utah Med Center in Salt Lake City). Kerry was flown up to Utah last Thursday.
There are so many difficult aspects of this spinal cord injury. Presently Kerry has no feeling below the chest and he can move his shoulders, elbow, and wrists, but nothing from the chest down. He can talk, eat, breath, etc. The doctors have been dealing with the regular complications of dramatically low blood pressure, fluid accumulation, breathing problems, etc. He is not medically stable enough yet to be able to go into an inpatient rehabilitation program. That is the next step. Once he gets in to rehab, the anticipated stay is about 12 weeks of intensive therapy (physical, occupational, respiratory, etc). And then returning home and requiring modifications to the home, etc.
Jean is trying very hard to juggle the needs that Kerry has to be supported at the hospital daily with the needs of their children and family. Kerry has owned his own business & shop doing custom cabinetry and woodworking. Jean has been unable to work due to some ongoing health problems of her own. The financial issues are a huge concern, but ALL of the aspects of this difficult process are daunting... the physical, emotional, family issues... EVERYTHING!
**Starting tomorrow {May 3rd}, you can bid on items from various crafty people.
click on the Ashby Family button towards the top of my blog on the right hand side.
I know the family will appreciate your much needed love and support. If you don't win a bid on something you like, there is always the opportunity to donate "Just Because".
If you have any questions, call or email me & I can give you more information.
I am off to check out the site to see what catches my eye so I can get in on the auction.
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