to the best two Dads ever. First up,
my Dad.

I didn't get to see him on Father's Day but I hope he knows how much I love him & appreciate him.
My Dad taught me how to appreciate good music in my younger years. Can you say, The Beatles, ELO, Neil Diamond & Huey Lewis(I'm just naming a few)? There was always FUN music playing in his car. Music is BIG part of my life.
My Dad's love of THE GAME rubbed off on me...I still love to watch baseball games to this day. I don't think my Dad can watch the movie, Field of Dreams to this day, with out shedding a tear or two. Baseball was a pretty big deal @ our house.
My Dad taught me how to snow ski. He then saw to it that I had lessons every year until I was 12 years old. One of my favorite childhood memories is my Dad coming with me on our youth ski trips(with the church group). I loved to ski with him & was just glad that I could keep up with him. Fun memories.
My Dad always found a way to provide for our family. As more children were added to the mix(I am the oldest of 5), my Mom decided it was time for a van. Do you remember the VW vans in the late 70's, early 80's? You could get one in brown with a tan top or a lime green one with a tan top. My Mom had her heart set on the lime green one. My Dad sold his white Sunbeam Tiger(a rare car) just so my Mom could have the van of her dreams-LOL!
-One thing you need to know about
my Dad is that he will always defend the under dog. He will always find a positive thing about that person & be kind to them when others may not. I have watched him do this during the last few years & it has taught me one of those BIG, life lessons...find the positive even if you don't think you can. I have been so impressed with my Dad during the last couple of months. He has held his head high & has just taken the higher road. Sometimes in life, it is easy to get sucked into the negative things, my Dad has not. He has been been calm, collected, & kind when others have not. I am so proud of him & thankful for his example. Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you!
Next up is my John, boy.

(photos taken on Father's Day, this year}
I could not have hand picked or asked for a better man to be the Daddy to my children. I am so happy I get to raise these boys with him. He is their world & mine. Each one of them, upon waking up(every morning) will run into our room & ask if Dad is home. John leaves for work @ about 6:15 am each morning & the boys often miss seeing him in the morning. I know, they know, that he leaves early. None the less, they are still sad every morning when they don't find him. It is fun to witness his homecoming each day. You would think that the boys have not seen him in days. They laugh, squeal, yell his name & run to meet him @ the door. He has the ROCK STAR status @ our house for sure. I am so grateful for John & how hard he works to allow me to be a SAHM by day. It is something that was/is important to me & I am thankful for the opportunity. I am grateful that John is involved in the boys lives. He one proud Daddy when it comes to their sports, their awards @ school, & all of their accomplishments & milestones. John, we love you...we REALLY do! Happy Father's Day to one amazing Dad!