We were able to spend a wonderful day as a family, with our ward family at the Sacramento Temple! I know a lot of time, thought & prayer went into this day! We were so happy to be a part of it! The morning started off with a session in the chapel. The spirit was so strong in that room. I had this over whelming feeling, as I looked around the room & saw all of the families in our ward that I love so much. I thought to myself, "I sure hope all of these wonderful people will be part of our extended family in the next life". We truly have been blessed with so many wonderful friends in our ward. While the adults attended various sessions in the temple, the children enjoyed a fun morning experiencing the temple & learning about the blessings of the temple. There were 3 different stations that the Primary Presidency organized that were based on the primary song, I Love to See the Temple. They actually took & tour of the temple grounds & were able to see the cornerstone that President Hinckley set at the temple dedication. Our boys loved that hands on experience.
We were so thankful to be able to spend the day at the Sacramento temple with our family today. We hope to return soon!
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